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Seven days of love

Chapter 10 Emily Hinds, I have thought clearly, prepared a dress for me and will wear it tonight

Word Count: 573    |    Released on: 24/10/2022

will pay immediately? Okay, I will give you two days, two days later if you do not bring it. With f

will me

lo can't pull back when she becomes rebellious. After saying

ed, and smiled faintly. "I will see how tall you a


he heavy rain hit her face

director's request but for the term of

SD in two days, which w

arns is used to buy a house, and the rest is not much. Even selling a

her again tomorrow and will report to the police to


d for three years in the film industry, i

er cell phone and call E

hat else ca

her lips. Only now did she discover that she


uld still see the paper in her bag;. At the top was the address where

heart aching in the ear is

ying in this city for 3 days. Reme

t day. In other words, tonight… was

numb; she sat helplessly on the roadside chair,

investigate the person who

plan; with money, he can command the devil;

mpensate the film crew 5,000

t day, the director will no

inds of female artists, constantly appeared in her head.

ly fell ont

te! She must t

s connected, and a trembling v

learly, prepared a dress for m

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