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My Shy Wife, Neisha

My Shy Wife, Neisha


Chapter 1 Neisha

Word Count: 1059    |    Released on: 26/10/2022

orning)" Neisha said as s

r my child" h

he so up early in the morning a

trange personality. Neisha is an introvert I think she's so introverted that

just cute she's so pure and kind-hearted despite being nice, her shy nature has limited her from achieving certain things which includes getting a job. in fact people wonder how she managed to attend college since she is so conserved. she is looking for a job because she comes from a middle-class family her mum is a teacher and her dad is a civil servant and and she and her younger sis

gged her mum and her dad and bid them goodbye. She wore her gown and hijab perfectly well, she made her way into the road she took her left turn and continued walking till she got to the bus stop she had her seat and took a deep breath and exhaled. She waited for the bus patiently to arrive, not long the bus arrived. She got inside and she was pretty nervous but tried to calm herself no

happy and thanked them and left the room she was so excited to tell her parents about the news. She quickly hurried home to give the good news to them. She arrive at her house and went in to search fo

while everyone freshened up.Galel was relieved and happy . They joined Neisha at the dinning room and as usual, Neisha's cook

Why the meeting? ask

ss what? N

a suitor?

n't tease he

. I'm a nurse. Finally...I can practice wh

atulations my

r, I'm so proud of you. Con

nd mum" Neisha s

ou being around Neisha. Well.... congratulations. Try to alw

s A

spital. She's pretty excited and equally nervous. she arrived at the hospital and met a nurse who took her to the nurse locker room and handed over and nurse outfit. Neisha was beaming with smiles she thanked the nurse and quickly changed into her nurse outfit. The nurse helped her out with other things and she resumed to her post. Neisha was pleased to help out in the ICU but she really sympathize

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