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My Shy Wife, Neisha

My Shy Wife, Neisha



Adil and Neisha are persons with contrasting personalities Adil an handsome and rich engineer from the famous Jafar family meets and falls in love with Neisha, a shy nurse from a middle class family. A short friendship turns to marriage. Will love be enough to sustain a marriage opposed by many or will their contrasting personalities end their marriage?

Chapter 1 Neisha

"Sabah el Keir mum(good morning)" Neisha said as she stepped out of her room"

"Sabah el Keir my child" her mum replied.

Hold on who is Neisha? Why is she so up early in the morning and dressed? I will answer that.

Neisha Hazim is the eldest daughter of galel and sir Hazim and she has this strange personality. Neisha is an introvert I think she's so introverted that people call her timid but I call her shy .do you know why? because I like her.

I'm Adil Jafar, eldest son of Musharraf and Nasal Jafar, sole heir of Jafar group of companies. I am an engineer and one of the major shareholders of our company and the vice president or the company . Dad is the CEO, grandpa is quite old and he can't run the company so he appointed me to assist dad. Okay, back to beautiful Niesha . She's the cutest creature I have ever seen she's not just cute she's so pure and kind-hearted despite being nice, her shy nature has limited her from achieving certain things which includes getting a job. in fact people wonder how she managed to attend college since she is so conserved. she is looking for a job because she comes from a middle-class family her mum is a teacher and her dad is a civil servant and and she and her younger sister we are raised in a disciplined manner as their parents are Street and conserved people even the nation was shy Azra is the total opposite of Neisha. She's an extrovert with limitations she is so much fun to hang out with she is outspoken and always shows her emotions anger hatred love sadness happiness unlike Neishaho has the emotions except a smile she wears everywhere she goes to.

Today, Neisha is going for an interview at the hospital we hope she gets this job. Neisha woke up around 5 a.m. and she said her prayers before getting ready for the interview she got ready before 7 a.m. her mum was pretty surprised to see how so up early and dressed up. Her mum made her kneel before her and raised your hands up a bit and offered some prayers for her daughter. Neisha hugged her mum and her dad and bid them goodbye. She wore her gown and hijab perfectly well, she made her way into the road she took her left turn and continued walking till she got to the bus stop she had her seat and took a deep breath and exhaled. She waited for the bus patiently to arrive, not long the bus arrived. She got inside and she was pretty nervous but tried to calm herself not long she got to her destination. she walked into the big hospital and she was so happy she made it to the hospital and on time. she got in and made some enquiries about the interview and was directed to where it was holding she got there and have a seat only three persons were there she had as it does that Isaac and self the lady was sitting beside her was called in for the interview.

Neisha was finally called in she got up and walked in. She greeted them and had her seat and the interview began. The interview was a success and she was hired and asked to resume the next day she was happy and thanked them and left the room she was so excited to tell her parents about the news. She quickly hurried home to give the good news to them. She arrive at her house and went in to search for them, then it occurred to her that they are already at their workplaces and her sister has already left for college. She shut the door and went to her bedroom, dropped her bag and changed her outfit.

Everyone came home at evening. Her mum was the first to arrive. Neisha already prepared dinner for everyone. She set the table while everyone freshened up.Galel was relieved and happy . They joined Neisha at the dinning room and as usual, Neisha's cooking skill was excellent. After dinner, Neisha and Azra cleared the table. Neisha gathered everyone to share the news with them.

"So tell me dear... Why the meeting? asked Hazim, Neisha's dad

"Dad...guess what? Neisha said

"You have a suitor? Asked Azra

"Azra ... don't tease her." Galel said

"I got a job at the hospital I applied for. I'm a nurse. Finally...I can practice what I've studied in college. I'm so happy."

"Really? Congratulations my dear" said Hazim

"My sweet beautiful daughter, I'm so proud of you. Congratulations dear" said Galel

"Thank you dad and mum" Neisha said with a smile

"So... who's gonna be making dinner? Oh no! I'm gonna miss you being around Neisha. Well.... congratulations. Try to always come home early to bless our taste buds big sis' Azra said

"Yes Azra"

The next day Neisha was woken up by her alarm and she got off her bed and went to her bathroom. she freshened up and left for the kitchen and made breakfast for everybody .she had her breakfast before everyone else and returned back to her room she changed into a gown and wore her hijab, took her bag and left her room . Her mum and dad were already up . Neisha said her greetings and left for the hospital. She's pretty excited and equally nervous. she arrived at the hospital and met a nurse who took her to the nurse locker room and handed over and nurse outfit. Neisha was beaming with smiles she thanked the nurse and quickly changed into her nurse outfit. The nurse helped her out with other things and she resumed to her post. Neisha was pleased to help out in the ICU but she really sympathize with those she treated especially a child who was born in few minutes later the child was involved in an accident his ears made her almost broke down in tears she felt his pain yes, that's how soft hearted my Neisha is. She started off her day with lots of smiles on her face. Her smiles melted the patients. It was really hectic for her but she already knows how her job is and ready to endure it all.

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