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The Arranged Marriage To Playboy Ian

The Arranged Marriage To Playboy Ian



Fed up with Ian's playboy lifestyle, Anastasia arranges Ian's marriage with Iris, Ian's childhood friend who has a long crush on Ian since highschool days. Ian makes life tough for Iris. However, will the appearance of handsome and gentlemen Nathan in Iris's life change Ian's and Iris's hate-love story?

Chapter 1 Happy graduation

Anastasia just arrived from the airport, she decided to check up on Ian at his room. She walked into Ian's messy room, littered with empty wine bottles, pizza packs, and empty cigarettes pack. Ian was asleep, holding onto a pillow. Anastasia was furious

"Wow ! What a brother I have! She muttered.

Anastasia angrily went to Ian and began to hit him with her bag. Ian quickly woke up and was surprised to see his sister in his room. He looked around his bedroom, quite messy.

"So, this is all you do?! I go on business trips, work my but out to help you become a better person and all you do is this trash? You threw a party in my house? Anastasia screamed at him in anger "Our.. Parents.. house. It wasn't a party really" Ian retorted "Oh really? He's talking back at me" Anastasia hit him again with his bag.

Anastasia took out her phone from her bag and called in the security to come drag out Ian's friends. The security arrived at Ian's room and began to wake his friends up. They apologized to Anastasia and began to leave.

Anastasia noticed a brasserie beside Ian and it made her more furious.

"What is a bra doing on your bed? Oh my, you now sleep with girls? In my house? You bring girls and you frolick and make out with them in my house! Ian! Ah geez! Cigarette packs? Wow! What a brother I have. You smoke Ian? Just wow! Anastasia ran her finger over her hair and exhaled , trying to keep calm.

"No. I don't smoke. My friends did. I didn't sleep with any girl. I'm pure" Ian knelt on his bed, trying to act innocent.

"Pure my butt! You ain't pure. You're dirty. Oh my gush! Why did mum and dad leave me with this trouble kid to raise? What sin did I commit in my past life to be punished in such a severe manner. You're so annoying "

"Are you crying? Don't cry. Fine... I'll call the maids to clean these mess"

"Did you say call the maids? Anastasia glared at Ian. Did they make these mess? No breakfast and lunch for you, until you get this room sparkling clean" Anastasia ordered him.

"Me? Alone? Are you kidding? Me? Ian asked in a surprised tone.

"Who else is with us? Yes you Ian. You!

"Okay, at least send one maid to help me out. Please sis"

"No. Do it yourself. Ah! Such a headache. Make sure it's sparkling clean. I'll come by to inspect your room "

Anastasia left Ian's room in anger. Ian was sad. He quickly started cleaning up. He packed up everything and used the vacuum cleaner to clean up the rest. He arranged his bed and disposed the waste. He had his bath and went to the dining room.

Ian met Anastasia at the dining room and informed her that he carried out her orders and requested to go inspect his bedroom and be quick about it as he's really hungry.

Anastasia inspected his room and was pleased. She asked the maids to serve Ian his food. Ian was happy and ate to his fill. Ian had thrown the party to celebrate his graduation from college. Anastasia had traveled immediately after his graduation. She took some pictures with him and handed over a gift box to him before leaving for the meeting she had outside the city .

At evening, Anastasia. Invited Ian the pool side to have a word with him. Ian was quite surprised that she brought a bottle of wine.

"Wine? Nice. What's the celebration?

"You graduated yesterday. We haven't had a proper celebration "

"This too isn't a proper celebration. I need a party "

"You've already thrown one"

"Ah , c'mon sis'

"Fine. I'll throw you a party. Now you've graduated from you can finally join the company "

'What? Not now. I still have a life to live "

"Are You nuts?


"You're definitely nuts Ian."

"I'm fine. I'll be nuts if I join the company now. I'm not saying that I won't join the company, I will, but not now. Sis, this dude is still young "

"I'm going crazy with this boy. What do you think, that we hire old people at the company? We hire young blood. What kind of guy are you? Something is being offered to you at a platter of diamond, many guys idea would kill for this"

"You always complain. I wonder if you'll ever get married. I pity your future hubby " Ian said jokingly.

"What did you just say? Do you want to die?

"But I just said the truth. You're always irritated, angry, complaining, yelling and scolding everyone, especially me. If you weren't my sister, I won't be able to tolerate you. I can't date your like "

" What?

"Yes. You're definitely not my type"

"Oh my goodness. I think I'm gonna die right now. Look, do you know I'm your elder sister? I practically raised you as my son'

"Practically, that means, I'm not your son"

"My gush. No party for you. Good night "

"Oh my sis, sweet sis. You know you are the best sis ever, mother figure. I meant that, no man deserves an angel like you"

"Cut it. It won't work this time"

"Like it has ever worked on you. Geez, you're so stiff. Loosen up sis and enjoy life. Throw the party, ok? I love you. Good night. Kisses. Bye " Ian kissed her forehead and left with his wine glass, whistling.

"Goodness, what kind of a brother do I have Anastasia? A crazy one and a pervert "

Ian did his best to convince Anastasia to throw him a party. Anastasia finally gave in and threw a party for Ian. It was quite a huge party.

Ian invited his friends over while Anastasia invited important guests. Iris parents were present at the party too. The party was a huge success and Ian was very happy and grateful to Anastasia. Anastasia surprised Ian by gifting him his dream car.

Ian was filled with so much joy. Ian hugged her and thanked her.

The party ended and everyone retired home. Ian dropped by at Anastasia's room. Anastasia was getting ready to sleep when he walked in. Ian hugged her from behind and thanked her for throwing him a party and getting him his dream car. Anastasia broke off from him and asked him to go to his room and get some sleep, it has been a long night. Ian took a bow and staggered out of her room. Ian retired to his room. He had warm shower and went to bed. He had a lovely smile on his face before falling asleep.

Ian and Anastasia are siblings with contrasting personalities, with Anastasia being the oldest. Anastasia has been incharge of the fortune left behind by her parents, she runs the companies and takes care of the houses. She raised Ian and showered him with so much love, though strict on him, has much love for Ian.

Iris has concluded her degree in Arts and graduated. Mr Edward Graham offered Ian to join him to pick her up from the airport. Ian declined and told him he has an appointment. Mr Graham picked up Iris from the airport. Her mum, Cathlin was preparing for a party. Iris tried to refuse the party but her mum insisted. Anastasia and Ian were the first on the guest list. Iris was excited to see Ian after some years. Her gown arrived shortly. Cathlin served her some food which she ate and had her drugs. The guests started arriving at Graham's house. Anastasia is already angry because Ian was taking too long to dress. Ian hated formal outfits. Anastasia had forced him to dress formal. Ian joined Anastasia at the sitting room. He didn't wear his tie properly and Anastasia had to help him out. They quickly left for their car. They finally arrived at the party. Anastasia and Ian went in and Iris' parents welcomed them with a hug and they were showed to their seats.

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