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The Alpha's Rejected Slave Mate

Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 1017    |    Released on: 26/10/2022



he rejection," Raul s

t happens, your mate, rejected or no

used if it's from a sh

sked, wishing

" He n

ve experienced it," I said

she cheated on me." He said

forgave her many times." He added and

ding more information

for everything,"


ood or bad, it didn't change, the only slight dy

rewolf and popular slave or even pa

we suddenly got close, and I liked spending time with him, he didn't

t even punish me or regarded me anymore, he just ignored me and no matt

ely, following the Pack's enfo

heard the name, it was long I saw my stepmothe

collected the meal,

ened the door and hissed

and leave, sl

elieve her, she was totally dif

d my mom his mate later, but she never showed th

ked and the glare I got had me missing my step,

incing as I felt a sha

y." I bow

e had me falling on

" She pressed my

wled in pain, wanting out, but I knew slaves weren't allowed to change

choking me, I cried and begged for ai

he evidently wanted to kill m

aged to mutter

searching for air, my wolf wanted or we could die

She spat leaving my neck, I

tting them in the waste bin, cleaning her room imm

lue eyes, "what is she doing here?" My ste

e the lowly disgusting slave s

eyes, I just wanted to leave h

am." I bowed t

s." I bowed to

sis or even act related to them, the da

couldn't help the tears, it felt like I endured and

bering the day my parents died over

him was still fresh, my stepmother,

iful face." I smiled immedia

nd I sniffled, wip

ful," I said and he rais

know I'm not bea

me feel better, you hav

thanking me, you don't deserve w

autiful." He said and

answered fee

hat voice, he hasn't called m

ater," I s

if it was excitement or fear, or curiosity

ther did, I still had air and a chance to breathe this time, this time, it felt go

my inner wolf jum

lt like he was memorising my face,

e won't do anything

aid and I kne

king anything had

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