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Emma, And The LOVERBOY'S

Chapter 3 What Happened To Them

Word Count: 1049    |    Released on: 27/10/2022

Pov con

n and hid be


Am I really looking at

r of the

was backing me, else,

my g

t was a res

ed to b

wants to

here. If I get caught, I’m de

him. Despite the fact he was backing me, I cou



eyes to the gentle expression of his voic

t could easily get into anyone'

his neck and a diam

why the sound w

led have always

they only get to see him from a distance or on TV s

f made him cold-hea

appened to them. An an

ing and I wondered why. I

tricted area?” He asked and I

es he kno

. I drop my chin back into my hands and sigh again rapidly. My st

How did t

ys again and just then,

there." He sa

as he spoke and it mad

was scared. What is

ed walking to the door whic

, G

pass me and didn’t even

really such

but just when he was about going out, something

going to turn aro

he bent and turned t


the ey

for real?' My e

y cute; cuter than he loo

I could ha

and a dark curly hair that

for a short time, I could swear he w

k his eyes away like he had seen no one

n a deep breath trying to overpower my

can’t believe he didn’t eve

to know I was in the same


ft and right to see if I could still get a gl

for a while, still re

bered his soft voice

ze this is a r

ld hear him

to the office and there I met my dad

ve been looking for you” Dad sa

ound” I replied solely and turned to the

on't know why my eyes ar

eted and checked the head

r. Mark

. Just fill this form over here and you’ll be assigned to your new class.” He sai

eone to show you around later in the day. Welcome to Alpha High School.” He conclud

I replied and st

eciate the effort.” Dad told him and exchanged a h

ouble, Emma. And be attentive

orted with a lot of smiles as we held

I stopped and embraced him

so much for this” I said ha

ay?” He said softly and I nod

e late for lectures." He said and

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