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Emma, And The LOVERBOY'S

Chapter 4 What Happened To Them

Word Count: 942    |    Released on: 27/10/2022

a P

my phone and followed the d

y and filled with young g

l' were undoubtedly rich because 'Alpha High

onnected wealthy people. So, th

I had someone like Mr.

ssroom as all the students stared at me. I kept my g


wonder what grade the loverboys were i

le, a teacher came in and a

udents greeted her as she walked up to the fron

. How was the weekend?”




s chorused a reply

ver, it was.” Mrs.

s Emma, could you step out for a brief introduction, please?” S

class and turned, facing the students and now I

ked rich and charm

Mrs. Williams said

uglas.” I replie

ou can have your seat.” She said to me

fter that, we had two more s

n pairs and I also stood up and

are just bumptious as none of them

about to go out of the class when a p

right?” She asked and I no

bright blue eye looks back at me and flints her long hair over her shoulder.

ave me that pretty smile coming from her pret

signed by Mr. Mark to show you around

ing me around the school?' I thought in

about that miss. I believe I ca

thing. It’s part of my course and will only add to my G.P when I’m done

and started walking out of the

strict, but normally, s

ol, the sports hall, the lab, the library,

She told me when we entere

nd had so many sp

sdays.” She added and I ju

wn for sports on Wednesdays?” I ask

ately, they only come down once in a blue pre

ing on them, right?” She ask

ed with

es the loverbo

e grab lunch together?” She as

rted and she smiled and

y and was filled up with students.

a leather chair decorated like the parlor of a landed

left to order our meal and

boys?” I asked as I took m

ghed and l

n your grade." She reto


d without mum

.” She cut in, knowing what I wanted to


I asked d

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