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Further Foolishness

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 1256    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

tch, the serving man, and Yump, the cook, his wife, to Moscow to see how Serge fared. And Ivan first coun

, together with a fragrant cheese and a bundle of sweet garlic. And Yump took oil and d

h on foot, walkin


tch, and he looked about him

Yump. "It is no

" said Itch, l

king for the house o

till and looked about him. Then he pointed at a burles

Yump, "let

and hurry forward, so that you may sleep. I wil


st to the house of

Serge they said, "

But they thought,

teh mus

are the rubles sent

e son, and see th

uld there be?

Itch. "You must c

ng, little son, and a fish, and

and Yump stayed in


" said Itch. "Y

only that my head aches and my fac

nd find a fisski, or drug-store,

are," said Yump.

"It is selfish to eat alone. I will give part of the fish to the others." And when he got a little further up the step

s were playing with matches at the big table and drinking golgol out

nd beat the fish against the table. But the pudding they

t golgol for Serge

rge wo

said, and all th

ork!" they cri

taper, made of string dipped in fat, and set

he house grew still. The noise of the student

changed to twilight and Serge could see from his window the great building with t

say, "It is morning," and would go down and help Madame Vasselitch unbar the i

or and she was in prayer, for Serge could see that her hands were before her face. And as he looked all his blood ran warm to his head, and his limbs trembled even though he co

sselitch was there undoing the shutters an

ed, and her voice was gentle, for the fac

d not answer

e great building with the bars tha

e Vasselitch, and she looked at him, still

those who lie there waiting for their death it is allowed once and once only that they may look out upon the world. And this is allowed to them the day before they die. So I took this house and waited, and each day I looked forth at dawn across the street and he was not there. Then at last he came. I saw him at the window and his face was pale and set and I could see the marks of the iron on his wrists as he held them to the bars. But I could

said Serge, "kneeling behind the bars

s in her eyes and her voice was calm, "her name is Olga Va

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