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Grey: Secret Of The Grey Wolf

Grey: Secret Of The Grey Wolf

Author: Emi Briggs

Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 4118    |    Released on: 02/11/2022


to the bar to get drunk. I don't do this, most times I just go to my apartm

is name. Even though it's not his name it's not in his job des

not my type, maybe it's because he sounds li

ue eyes, and nice lip

mpty glass o

bottle of vodka as if the bottle was preserved for me. He pours it into my glass and I smile at him not because I'm being flirty

like strangling the life out of him but I couldn't d

like dancing, but I also don't want to. I rest my head on the table and I spot a man by the right staring at me, he

hair and his beard looks dirty. I won't be surprised if he

drops a glass of martini in front of me I raise my head and I look at him. He has such beautiful blue eyes, maybe I should forget about the fact that he

so don't want this man's company right now. I had a shitty day and I just want to be left alone, is that too hard to ask? He gets up from

ou don't see me approaching anyone. Yes, I know I'm beautiful I'm a beautiful blo

smile. I hope he catches up to

Don't you need company?" No, I do not need company and I didn't ask

! He walks closer to me and I immediately grab m

little bit sober now. I struggle to get him to leave me alone and when he does

ul than Josh and he doesn't sound like Bieber. He has brown hair and brown eyes, and I can see his muscles right

r. Not that I should car

still holding me

t look believable and voila it works. The creepy guy with bad breath and body h

s. "I didn't know sh

y asks, it sounds more like a demand than a question. He also smells fresh too. I

ut away from the loud music, alcohol, and creepy-ass men. The breeze slaps me on the

k at a party and I ended up having sex with my roommate's hot boyfrie

. I still regret doing that to her. I wonder how she's doing, I wonder if this hot man likes me. I sure am not

e or can I take yo

where." I stop talking. Oh no, I'm still a little bit drunk h

e opens the door to the front seat for me and I blush and I get in. Serial killers also aren't gentlemen. I don't know! I don't watch serial kil

p my head up high and I'm going to write another book

r and he closes the d

is kiss him, that's what I want to do right now. He starts the car and then we drive of

didn't come to my rescue. Why am I being dramatic? Nothing would have happ

on his balls, which gets m

g in the car, quiet. I'm looking at the building but I don

," I say without

me to help

Ms. Minnie my next-door neighbor make googly eyes at him? Of course, she will, let's j

y stand close to him. How can a man be this beautiful? I've never seen anything like it, he's like a mythical creature. I've had my fair share of crushes but they were all douchebags.

and high heels. I dressed formally today just to be rejected. I need to get that rejection off my mind and woman up. A l

artment slowly and I turn to him. He has that cute smile on his face. He looks like a model, if he is I would like to go to h

u," I say

ch other for a long time. God, he's so beautiful,

's about to leave but th

t else to say but. "stay." I place my hand on him, and he looks


fe, she had my full attention and she didn't even try to. She looked sad, disappointed, and hopeless. She's a writ

e eyes and decided to follow her. I guess that's the definition of stalki

adn't had alcohol in years, if she became drunk she would forget that she even went to the person that was supposed to publish her work. I wanted to g

n which she was able to get him to leave her alone by telling him I was her boy

ooking out the window I thought after this I wouldn't see her again. But then

pasted on her wall, books are everywhere and her laptop is filled with stickers of BTS and one of Britney Spears. Her couch is old and brown but comfortable, her TV is me

and pages of her work. The work that has bee

r mom is standing next to her, I mean they look alike. The same blonde hair and blue eyes. She looks happy and

rop the picture frame on the stool

ts into a wolf when the full moon is out. I can't be with a hu

he's not just a girl one would have sex with and just leave. She's the kind of girl I would want to know more about. The kind of girl

closing the tap and opening the bathroom door

t wearing any flip flops she's barefoot and her legs are so smooth and not hairy

is like an addictive drug more addictive than any of the drugs people take. Maybe I'm being dramatic. She smells good to

then I sigh

abbing my arm gently. The first time she did that when we were by the door I was awestruc

around her. I'm a monster, maybe I should make it clear by flas

kissing me. God, her lips are so soft. She stops and

g our lips against each other, we're using

es it herself. She's fully naked, she may be a writer but her body is like that of a model, her br

staring too hard

and we continue kissing. Her hands are placed on my stomach mine are


guy is hot. Six packed abs, hot shoulders, sexy arms, sexy legs, and a nice a

his sweatpants. Does he just carry that around? How many girls has he sl

in be good at this? You can watch porn countlessly as a vi

d dick inside of me and I

d sex was last month and that was with my downstairs neighbor's son who came to visit from college. He was twenty-one btw. Twenty-one

nyone else if it's not him. I love that he's showering me with kisses while his penis is in me I

had sex with my roommate's boyfriend. Yes, I'm going to hell and so is my

g, the kisses, the sex nothing.

it and pick it up. I've been vigilant when it comes to my phone, I keep

mother. What does she want? I hope Mr. Hot guy won't think I'm still a little girl who needs

ed guy lying close to me but he's not there, I l

going to check but first I ha

d I'll have to admit

did sound a little rude. I know exactly why she's calling. "Anyway, I'm calling to know if they accepted your work." I knew it,

er. "I got rejected for the eighth time now." I move away from the kitchen and I knock on the bathroom d

nna look back at every rejection and you'll see how it pushed you to be the best." Marjorie Fint might be annoying but she's s

ol's talent show at my high school, Sherman Lawn High. I was giving a poetry piece. I came second but that was nothing compared to the news

eace Andr

d to be a writer. I was so lost in their world that immediately after I finished reading the book I almost forgot that I lived in the real world.

feeling that I'm a bad writer. Well, I'm not a bad writer my w

s to my mom, best believe I rolled my eyes when she said that. But still, she's right I have always wanted to go to New York

scared of the place I've wanted to run to ever since I was ten? There's


ater." If I let her talk she won't stop so I'll be

I'm thinking about the amazing sex I had with that stranger. I don't even know his name and I didn't get his number

et last night, I should be thinking of perfe

o get out of

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