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Dragon Knight of Eldaria

Chapter 5 The Warrior, the wizard and the witch

Word Count: 4963    |    Released on: 22/11/2022

ietta asked Glin as they strolled throu


Knight. What do you th

ere not a waste of time now”

angry that I

ht beside a Dragon Knight before and if Nimue wills

rmy. They were recognizable by their blue and white tunics. Yet there was one group that looked different from the rest. The men looked quite tall and quite physically fit than the other Scotians. They did not wear the standard colors of their kinsmen, but wore leather armor that had seen better days. Their flag flew with a blue sea serpent on a white field. This flag Henrietta did not recognize and she h

lass, you’ll start dr

replied feeling

men to Glin. “Have you heard any w

right now. Lets just hope its

ee more of our distant kin. You

no Anglish is daff enough t

eir walk through the encampment. She was surprised to say that

t along with the people

ew differences, but overall we get along fine. Now would I say I trust them more than Anglish? No I wouldn’t. Even when we are dealing with either kingd

ns. I mean… men that you were talki

rs from the Orde

y all wield those large

y seem cumbersome, but they a

ve any lords?”

they are needed. Stories say that the Galloglass guard t

as our countries only

re are traditions that you can’t get rid of. Even

My governess did not teach me about the

tter by experience than in

e forests edge she could see more tents further in, but saw a small entourage of tents that were guarded by a few knights. From within she got a glimpse of people wearing strange robes and staffs. Some looked old and others younger, but she knew who they were. They were wizards, people born with the gift of magic, although many would deem it a curse. Henrietta had learned like everyone else that those

” said a voice from

arried himself with great confidence. He had brown wavy hair, which seemed unnatural. His dark eyes shimmered with a faint glow an

tle curious. I have never seen wiz

strange looking mutan

they do not look any di

e magic for their own ends. We wizards have strict codes that show us that magic is us

is your name good s

, one of the wizards s

et you Master Nicolas. My

id you say Marshal? I must say it is quite an honor.

re are some who do not despise

or a knight born from peasantry and a wizard to work together. Mo

abit of calling him “Sir” from time to t

for long. Yet, I have seen him in your fathers company for many years. It’s a

s not want the title. He never

now will be a great boon for us in

ave you faced

g culture, but they are driven by their desire for war, o

et you Nicolas. Good luck t

mile upon you”

r own ends. Walking further into the forest she was now outside the encampments boundaries. She knew she shouldn’t be out on her own, but she needed to get away from it all and stopped to rest next to a tree. Even with the Kings promise to avenge h

y when she was hearing cheering. Once she got closer to the source of the cheering she saw a small group of those Galloglass warriors observing a sparring match between two of their brethren. Both combatants were equal in size. One of them was older with a brown long beard. He was wearing leather armor around his chest and shoulder with vambraces an

d put that lavvy heid in the gr

time he was fully clothed as his opponent yet they were both swinging those giant swords. She assumed t

Kieran?” said th

if, you

as Kieran, stepped forth to trust his blade toward his opponent. As the strike was parried Kieran pushed his opponent with

is battle you won’t be an initiat

e so,” Ki

join us for a pint?

l be practicing a few t

it you

hiding. Maybe she did not there to be a fuss if she made an appearance. She was going to leave as well, but she tripped

did not see

our little sparring match. I did not mean to s

at noblewoman who

ly its more proper when one shows the proper respect to nobili

Watson at your service,” he said w

tta Marsha

what brings you out in the midd

rything. The past few days have n

e any better either. That’s

h me considering I am from A

w of your people, but not all. The sam

aring iron armor that looked old. Kieran readied his claymore for another attack, but another of the same creatures appeared from the trees knocking Henrietta to the side. With one sweep of his sword he cut one of the monsters in half. The remaining creature attacked with its head from behind pushing Kieran to the ground. The creature then grabbed Kieran by the thr

s that?” Henrietta asked as s

n. They are known as the Children of Baphomet.

are working with the O

o not ally with anyone. They ha

re Satigors appearing, Seeing that there were too

” Kieran

that with him considering it was slowing him down. They both rounded a corner and crashed into a person. From quick glimpse Henrietta had the newcomer wore hunting clothes with some skins of animals and wore a hooded cloak. All three of them hit the ground as the newcomer dropped their basket of natural herbs, and other sort

tuck with this dagger,” H

in a dire situation and she feared her luck was about to run out. The Satigor raised its weapon for the death bow, but there was a sudden slowness in time. It was the same sensation Henrietta felt when the amulet call

f Aurvandil, may j

nd Henrietta and proceeded to circle her. The dress she wore vanished being replaced by a black under layer suit then the breastplate attached to her, followed by

its head was sliced off. Kieran was shocked to see what transpired, but he awoke from his amazement and pressed his attack. Henrietta never felt like this before. She was feeling a surge of power flowing through her. Giving her every advantage she needed against her foes. Henrietta and Kieran were both

gna Med

Satigors and leaving none alive. Henrietta thought to herself that they were lucky that the stranger was a mage. She saw that the mage looked to be older than Henrietta by at least a decade, but still plenty beautiful even with

that magic?”

he replied trying to

hurry to leave as she was gathering her fallen herbs, but K

to do with this witch?” he

this about Kieran?

. The most vile of creatures to practice blac

nations. Now if you excuse me, it is quite obvious that your army is going to be attacked by two arm

ere witch. You are comin

if I r

s witch in the world” Kieran r

s impossible considering it was light as a feather in his hands, but the sword just got heavier until finally Kie

ourself young warrior. The lady i

akes you say that sor

ver we may believe, she clearly does not w

have more important things to

ad in one direction then cut its head off with his sword. Placing it the

to the witch. “Just don’t do anything th

r into the forest. Glin was not sure why he resolved this peacefully. He had faced these kinds of witches before. C

problem anymore” h

should have detaine

d, but I’m not going to save you if

king needs to know about these

here are many more. Damn the god that brought these shits i

heir company so Henrietta followed Glin and Wyllt as fast as she could. The guards tried to keep Glin from entering the king’s war room, but he pushed past them alarming everyone within

a huge probl

you find this?

mpment. This was just a scouting party and if there is a

Where are the reinforcements that your king

sterday. I have not received any words si

. He handed the note to the king and left the room. The king stood silently

rd us as we speak. They will be arr

the threat of the Satigor’s, we ar

y attack most of the lands of Scotia, but they will eventually fin

ear the south of our position. That way they cannot catch us by surprise, ho

st yet. Besides we have the advantag

your plan th

es as long has they hold. With the wizards creating the barrier to our south, the lake to ou

rthern defense wouldn’t we be bo

to that because I will have my own forces stationed here behind this hill of trees. It’s near the road that leads to our northern defense. If the majority o

how will you know when you n

astle. Light it and we will

e with this plan?” Edwa

ay your majesty. I’m just

have. You have fought for many years so I am

o we know that they don’t have boats

point your highness

ll know they prefer to face their enem

t pays to be pre

f King Kenneth Gilchrist of Scotia, is promised to your son, Prince Robert. We need to keep face for

years the tensions between the two have lessened and in the hopes to create ever lasting friendship between the two kingdoms High King Edward wished for his son to marry a Scotian princess. Luck would have it that the King of Scotia had such a daughter named of Elizabeth Gilchrist. It to

until you receive the signal to attack” Edw

er room. Based on his speed, he wanted to get her there qu

boundaries of the encampment. Can’t b

yself Glin” Henrie

e I am glad your benefiting from the trai

could conjure armor or summon the sword to my

sed to see it in your hands. Thought yo

you assist us?” Henrietta ask

e armor. The armor is a sign that the amu

ceive further training. I am not sure if I want to. I still have a du

e to follow the expectations of your social status. You can choose your own f

with it. Why was it so hard to choose her own fate? As she pondered Glin retrieved a baggage that was lying near the bed and handed it over to Henrietta. Unfolding the wra

le I rather you had some protection. Keep your sword and that amulet close.

say that?” He

out the coming battle. I ju

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