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Dragon Knight of Eldaria

Chapter 4 Dragon Heart Amulet

Word Count: 3423    |    Released on: 22/11/2022

Scotia, Sil

the Orok Warband. The forest, she remembered was a battle site where the first High King of Albion, Artorius Pendragon fought one of his famous Twelve Battles. At this time though, history was irrelevant. Henrietta hoped she could get th

n defended her and her family with their lives and now they were on the run away from the families they left behind. Henrietta suddenly felt disgusted with herself for just thinking about he

were troops directing those who were summoned to the main force. The sen

arther?” Hen

ifficult to traverse. It’s a miracle we ha

arshland and from the south of the fortress was a large lake. Further in the distance across the lake they could see an encampment. Henrietta suspected that it was the Orks. The strange thing was that they were across the

Henrietta felt a strange sensation as if she was being watched. The amulet she wore around her neck was starting to flicker. Then there was the snap of a twig and suddenly they found

te your business”

ere on urgent business to ou

any troops. You boys are quite a ways fro

and. I would very much appreciate however that you let us pass so that we

essage?” the s

the kings

reason other a message. You could be lying. The woman doesn’t even

hal, daughter of Clayton Marshal and Warden of the

es if my lord found out I let a few stragglers th

ways this paranoid?” G

om a backward wasteland

king. Yes I understand he is busy trying to prepare for this engagement with our enemies, but better he learn what I have discovered rather than later. If

red from Henrietta’s sudden change. Right now she did not care. She wanted to see the king as soon as possible and tell him

you my lady” the

leon. Strange enough though the army did not look as big as she thought it was. As they got closer to the castle the ranks of men-at-arms were slowly changing to the larger tents of the knights. A few stood out in th

e sword lass


o look the part. A woman going in there with a sword will cause many ey

d to leave my sight” Hen

ill only be for this meeting, unt

or even carrying a sword since to them it was not her station in life. The harder part was trying to convince the king that her family wa

e and onto the mainland. Unfortunately the lead rider did not seem to notice Glin and Henrietta and almost ran them over if Glin had not reacted fast enough to move them out of the way. The man was dressed in silver

road peasant

Henrietta retorted cau

e girl? I can have you fl

to show some respect to a lady even if she is not dressed for the o

You Eirens have always had fie

tired of people like you trying to put them

as quicker and struck the knight square in the nose. The other knights drew ou

cried out

rietta could still see traces of golden strands. He wore ornate armor of silver and on top of his head was a golden crown. Henri

aning of this?”

your majesty” said Glin no

standing that you struck my nephew

of his arrogance much of Kambria was ravaged, but his son John Glendower saw that it was best to accept assistance for they were a country allied with others within Albion especially Angoland. Wanting to deal with the threat personally, John met with his uncle in secret and request

sty. Sir Glin was only defend

than his own knights. It made sense since she had heard that the king was given the nickname of “Longshanks” meaning “long legs”. His eyes gave a strong presence of power as if h

how you’ve grown. Why are you her

and betrayed. I was told to bring you this,”

urprised his reaction was. Henrietta could tell there was a

f the servants find a better suit of clothes for her. See that we can spare

your majesty,”

our grace” He

oday to discuss your tragedy” said the king and was

he Eiren dog be p

tempt to raise your sword on

Her appearance made her look like

restraint. What do our laws say about a knights

if he did not understand what

er threatened. Frankly, I witnessed you attempted to dra

ds. Henrietta wasn’t really looking for an apology from this prince. She just wanted to leave and

. I will make sure to show th

John,” she said while

of Henrietta by giving her a bath. When she was finished she was given new clothes and food. Dining alone in the empty hall was d

d not bother to clean it. He was standing guard as she finished her meal, when she was called to see the king. They were brought to the main office of the fortress. There was no throne room since it was not made

e a seat. Everyone els

d them. Henrietta and the King were now alone. The king slumped

point Henrietta. Who killed y

s death as well as the death of my sister in law

ou must understand I cannot make such moves wit

nights in charge. They can vou

o this. Why would he think he would

did not expect any of us to

d severely and answer for the death of your family and

r matter I also need to speak to yo

other years ago hoping she wo

at i

know of the Dragon Kn

grew up hearing? Nothing

of its hearts. Legends say that dragons could share their power with others only if they sacrifice one of their hearts. Fortunately

I am a Lady of Albion” Henrietta replied

one special if the amulet

responsibilities. I have oth

worthy of this?” the ki

en would even accept a wome

a that a woman would be a part of a legendary


ur countries rival. That battle was to prove to my father that I was ready to lead troops into battle. However, during the height of the battle I came upon a powerful Frankish Knight, he slew a good many of my own knights so I m

out for it was considered unnatural for a woman to be skilled with a sword. She answered that she wanted to do her part in protecting her nation. If a woman can have such c

f. The story say you must hav

hat you do not mention that

really knows who she was” Henrietta asked feeling exc

o learn her name,” the

hero in history and we only kno

d to it. I suggest you rest on this Henrietta. This destiny of yours cannot be ignored and if you de

y th

Alves who first created the Dragon Knights before my ancestor Art

enging my family. I think I will turn in for the nigh

for the past two days. We expect him

to her chambers. What she did not see was the King leaving

not wish to reconsider

her that can show her how to be a Dragon

hat we can crush whatever coup our enemies are tryi

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