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Forbidden Addiction

Chapter 2 How It Started

Word Count: 1025    |    Released on: 04/11/2022

2:How It


tes in it. I was not good at socializing, sometimes even afraid of it. Thelma warmly gr

n, our former monitor Geo

ust talking something with Eugene, so I

r all, and no one in Arizona didn't know Eugene. He

going crazy with excitement. Who could not be

wing him. To be precise, George was coming towards Thelma, he had been cour

see you here. H

orge. Hope yo

iefly, and he's been talk

en Eugene was si

ard as neither of us are the

cebook private account?" aske

ends to your private account."

on his phone and handed

, this is

l account as a friend. Thelma handed me the phone, and I was about to hand

idn't want to add him as a friend, but I took out

to receive a message

e beautiful than you

id to me

at me when they heard George

Eugene give Georg

ued to ask me, "Whitney, what work are

e's stares, but I still

ite Firm ALP a

"How could she have a boyfr

g her words, then he glanc

as Whitney have no boyfriend? How

I don't have

t Eugene is single too." George sa

re obviously

n they asked Euge

ting and I'm the only one

ne unknowingly when

een drinking a lot," Eug

s advice, I started cli

ured some water into the glass,

ou even enjoying the party

tell a


g than ever," I

I was the only on

ink before the p

ne I drank, and Eugene dr

he party

ne, "Eugene, can yo

e by myself." I wanted t

had left

friends think I can't ev

ed Eugene i


ecting on my crazy behavior and why I di

gent matters to deal wit

ng about my eager response to him just now, I

athroom: "Okay. Please

thought it was just an excuse. But this was also good, and it could avoi

throom when I heard the s

in bed when I hea

ty is gone, we

I'll be at the

dress and hurrie

condition has settled. Did something happen to facilit

nking about so many negative things that might happen to her if I don't get there early, I increas

en to her, she is

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