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Bloodhound Gemini

Chapter 2 Bloodhound Gemini

Word Count: 1967    |    Released on: 10/11/2022

way there, she finds the door open and she walks in to find her standing with her back to the door looking out t

her room to the girls room, she opens it carefully , the sight before her is gemini and libby fast asleep , she moves closer staring at gemini with pride hello and love , after a while , she moves closer to her and softly touches her silver half. After staying for a while she leaves and closes the door. That night she saw him again trying to pull her aight of a hole, she wakes up sweating and starts preparing for her day at crusty b , but first she has to take gemini to school, then over to the old crusty, so stepping outside Lisa quickly goes into the girls room to prepare Gemini for school , funny enough German I was already awake I'm just sitting on a bed talking with Libby they were saying something about astronauts when you came in and took Gemini to the bathroom," mum everybody in school has a daddy but I don't where is my daddy, and Libby's daddy also did they travel somewhere together? " this question greatly surprised Lisa that the sponge she was holding fell from her hand, " sweetheart daddy traveled and he will soon be back along by Libby's Dad, same sweetheart don't pay attention to whatever they say, your daddy is a very powerful man and you will love him when you see him finally ok darling, " Gemini smiles and claps her hands together in Glee" now Jeremy will no longer believe me I have a daddy" this actually made Lisa very sad because she just lied to her baby girl. On herr way back from dropping Gemini in school Lisa couldn't stop thinking of the conversation they had in the bathroom "how on Earth do I tell her?", oh dear I met your dad one day and we had sex and then he didn't tell me his name and then he left and then you were born who tells that to a child, her mind keeps wondering about even as she drove back to Crusty b to start the work day and at that moment Lisa knew that she had to look for a means to get to that man that silver and silver haired man, but then where does she even start looking , I don't know anything about this man I don't know his name or what he looks like, he may as well just walk past me right now and I wont know it's him, she hits the steering wheel in exasperation I need to find this man even if I have to go look under the Rock I am finding you for my Gem. she was lucky to make it to the Kirsten be right on time for the day's work to start well today James is not coming around because he has some things to do outside of brooksville so it's just her and Billy Jean. A few minutes before 6 p.m. she checked her time and finds it's time for her to go pick up Gemini from one of the teachers house well because of her work she gets to allow the teacher take Gemini to her house after which she comes over to pick her, saying goodbye to Billie Jean she quickly hallways out with a kiss dangling from a right hand holding a hand back in and left hand on getting to the parking lot she enters into her car and zooms off while playing the music in her car but her mind is still in the issue at hand thinking of how she's going to find a man that impregnated her gemini's father she was so lost in thought that she did not see the trailer making towards her and before she could grasp what was going on the trailer hi

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1 Chapter 1 The beginning 2 Chapter 2 Bloodhound Gemini 3 Chapter 3 Bloodhound Gemini 4 Chapter 4 Bloodhound Gemini 5 Chapter 5 Bloodhound Gemini 6 Chapter 6 Bloodhound Gemini 7 Chapter 7 Bloodhound Gemini 8 Chapter 8 Bloodhound Gemini 9 Chapter 9 Bloodhound Gemini 10 Chapter 10 Bloodhound Gemini 11 Chapter 11 Bloodhound Gemini 12 Chapter 12 Bloodhound Gemini 13 Chapter 13 Bloodhound Gemini 14 Chapter 14 Bloodhound Gemini 15 Chapter 15 Bloodhound Gemini 16 Chapter 16 Bloodhound Gemini 17 Chapter 17 Bloodhound Gemini 18 Chapter 18 Bloodhound Gemini 19 Chapter 19 Bloodhound Gemini 20 Chapter 20 Bloodhound Gemini 21 Chapter 21 Bloodhound Gemini 22 Chapter 22 Bloodhound Gemini 23 Chapter 23 Bloodhound Gemini 24 Chapter 24 Bloodhound Gemini 25 Chapter 25 Bloodhound Gemini 26 Chapter 26 Bloodhound Gemini 27 Chapter 27 Bloodhound Gemini 28 Chapter 28 Bloodhound Gemini 29 Chapter 29 Bloodhound Gemini 30 Chapter 30 Bloodhound Gemini 31 Chapter 31 Bloodhound Gemini 32 Chapter 32 Bloodhound Gemini 33 Chapter 33 Bloodhound Gemini 34 Chapter 34 Bloodhound Gemini 35 Chapter 35 Bloodhound Gemini 36 Chapter 36 Bloodhound Gemini 37 Chapter 37 Bloodhound Gemini 38 Chapter 38 Bloodhound Gemini 39 Chapter 39 Bloodhound Gemini 40 Chapter 40 Bloodhound Gemini 41 Chapter 41 Gemini bloodhound 42 Chapter 42 Gemini Bloodhound 43 Chapter 43 Gemini Bloodhound 44 Chapter 44 Gemini Bloodhound 45 Chapter 45 Gemini Bloodhound 46 Chapter 46 Gemini Bloodhound 47 Chapter 47 Gemini Bloodhound 48 Chapter 48 Gemini Bloodhound 49 Chapter 49 Gemini Bloodhound 50 Chapter 50 Gemini Bloodhound 51 Chapter 51 Gemini 52 Chapter 52 Gemini Bloodhound 53 Chapter 53 Gemini Bloodhound 54 Chapter 54 Gemini Bloodhound 55 Chapter 55 Gemini Bloodhound 56 Chapter 56 Gemini Bloodhound 57 Chapter 57 Gemini Bloodhound 58 Chapter 58 Gemini Bloodhound 59 Chapter 59 Gemini Bloodhound 60 Chapter 60 Gemini Bloodhound 61 Chapter 61 Gemini bloodhound 62 Chapter 62 Gemini bloodhound 63 Chapter 63 Gemini bloodhound 64 Chapter 64 Gemini bloodhound 65 Chapter 65 Gemini bloodhound 66 Chapter 66 Gemini bloodhound 67 Chapter 67 Gemini bloodhound 68 Chapter 68 Gemini bloodhound 69 Chapter 69 Gemini bloodhound 70 Chapter 70 Gemini bloodhound 71 Chapter 71 Gemini bloodhound 72 Chapter 72 Gemini bloodhound 73 Chapter 73 Gemini bloodhound 74 Chapter 74 Gemini bloodhound 75 Chapter 75 Gemini bloodhound 76 Chapter 76 Gemini bloodhound 77 Chapter 77 Gemini bloodhound 78 Chapter 78 Gemini bloodhound 79 Chapter 79 Gemini bloodhound 80 Chapter 80 Gemini bloodhound 81 Chapter 81 Gemini bloodhound 82 Chapter 82 Gemini bloodhound 83 Chapter 83 Gemini bloodhound 84 Chapter 84 Gemini bloodhound 85 Chapter 85 Gemini bloodhound 86 Chapter 86 Gemini bloodhound 87 Chapter 87 Gemini bloodhound