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Alpha Kaydens Revenge

Alpha Kaydens Revenge

Author: Nalu M

Chapter 1 Mate

Word Count: 1442    |    Released on: 10/11/2022

heir secret to be revealed and we are free to shift whenever we want. I am a beta female, only because I am the firstborn in my family. I had to work and train hard every day. Those are the co

ks. He hands-on the weed as he pulls it out. " I guess I am the beta after all. Do I even have a choice of not being ready?" I ask him. "I guess you don't, but you might get a chance to meet your mate. The Blackmist is a great pack, and I am sure you will find a good mate from there. "He assures me, even though that is news I am reluctant to hear. "As long as he has a good position in the pack, I will be happiest. " I remark. "Rank doesn't matter; a mate is a mate." Maybe to him, it doesn't, but to me it does. I have been mateless for 19 years and worked hard to get where I am. The least I expect is to be mated to someone weak the worse can be an omega. I kept quiet, deciding not to answer him as I continued to work. From there, we work quietly. It may seem like a simple job, but after working from morning to evening, it has taken its toll on me. By the time we are done, the sun is almost setting. I begin to pick out some ripe veggies and hand them over to Dad to hold onto, and he does just that, quietly following my lead. He's 6'5 tall frame overshadowed my 5'5 from the setting sun. I collect as many vegetables as I can. " Will there be enough for the vegetable salad ?" He analyses them. His eyes furrow as he stares at the veggies in his palm. "I am sure they will be enough. " He agrees, a smile coating his face. I collect some eggplants and we leave, heading into the house. We drop everything in the kitchen, where mum is already preparing dinner. "Wow, this is good. I didn't know that much was ready, "she says as she stares at the vegetables we dumb into the sink. "I was also surprised when I saw them. When even left others for next time," the dad answers as he begins to help me rinse the dirt from the veggies. Mum smiles at his remark. "Even better, " I roll my eyes at both of them. "If you only helped me tend to it often, you would know how much vegetables had been ready and we would have avoided the others from rotting before we even plucked them." "We are both busy," they answer me in unison, as though I am the one who isn't ever busy. "Speaking of busy," mum continues. "Ain't you excited about tomorrow? You know, maybe you might meet your mat

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