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Half A Chance

Half A Chance



Word Count: 2819    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

t's go down between decks

arles, although--Do you think w

ittle sharper or thimblerigger," with a suspicion of mild scorn, "then I do not imagine your ladyship would find much attraction in the present cargo. But, on the other hand," in a livelier tone, "if your ladyship has any curiosity, or shall we say, a psychol

. "Sir Charles is quite right. We must really go down. At any rate, it will

e's a little formality th

om the speaker standing deferentially before her, to a man of size, weight and impo

. "No one allowed on the prisoners' deck with

gh to beckon to hi

ke-up; the man matched the craft. Broad-nosed, wide of beam, big, massive, obstinate-looking, the Lord Nelson plowed aggressively through the seas. With every square sail tugging hard at her sturdy masts, she smote and over-rode the waves, and, beating them down, maintained an unvarying, stubborn poise. But although she refused to vacillate or shuffle to the wooing ef

ve expressed, Captain Macpherson, the desire to

rs lounging around them, a little girl, at the rail, her hair, blown windward

k at the convi

riosity, that's what I call it. Well, go along. Only, I'll h

ty, "you need be apprehensive on that score, Captain

improved the tempers of a few of the rapscallions, and

which latter," turning away, "a man whose lifelong profession has bee

eculiarly his own, found new tasks for the sailors. Aboard any ship, especially a ship of this character, it was his the

I go,

l girl of ten or eleven; slim, delicately fashioned, of a definite proud type. But although she held herself erect, in an unconscious patrician sort of way, there was, also, about her something wayward and different from the co

oo, aunt?" s

ad just emerged from the cabin. "Don't know where she wants to go, or w

sist on spoiling he

hat is called experience of the world. "Couldn't do that! Besides, Jocelyn and I ar

I marry must be very big and stro

le laughed

w. Meanwhile, I'll not despair. Faint heart, and so on. Bu

the co

rather more quickly than

rs were going to be when you deci

ice had a me

the voyage, but been so jolly seasick, what with one gale after another, I for one, until now, haven't much cared whether we had Claude Duval and Dick

cracksman as the country can produce, with," complacently, "a record second to none in his class. He"--and Mr. Gillett, with considerable zest entered into th

color slightly changed; his lashes drooped ove

ber him, my Lor

ith many oth

ed classes did honor him wit

very intently on the face of the police agent, "di

n't know when he was whipped. I can see him yet, as he used to look, with his giant shoulders and his swagger as he stepped into the ring. There was no nonsense about him--or his fist; could break a board with that. And how the shouts used to go up; 'the pet!' 'a quid on the pet!' 'ten bob on the stars and stripes!' meaning the costume he wore. Oh, he was a fa

I suppose," obse

ed the child wonderingly. "I thought

harles. "Although," to her husband, in a lower ton

ia reading about the fellow in the sporting papers from home, and wondering what h

ison; transferred to the solitary with a little punishment thrown in for a reminder. When he got out of limbo again, he lived in bad company, in one of the tunnels near the Adelphi; hard place for the police to rout a cove from. Then followed a series of rough bungling jobs he was supposed to hav

own mind. "Up to this time," he resumed, "our friend, the ex-pugilist, had never actually killed any one, but soon after I engaged myself to look

ay, yawned, as if finding the police a

nd race-track follower, with courage not big enough for broad operations. But he had a wide knowledge of what we term the thieves' catacombs, and, well, he 'peached' on the big fellow. Gave testimony that was of great service to the prosec

llett's youngest lis

ce, it is, I believe,

e-tale?" scornful

y. "And I'm rather partial to them, mysel

d honest set-to myself occasionally, before I became--ahem!--governor!" And risin

ed the nobleman at the rail. "Ai

t thrust it into a great padlock, gave it a turn, and swung back the barrier. Before them stretched a long aisle; at each end stood a soldier, with musket; on one side were the cells, small, heavily-barred. The closenes

mething moving, a shape, a human form in each terrible little coop. But Mr. Gillett's face shone with livelier emotions; he

observed in his most animated mann

l, but I say it's only the dumps.

it that held her? the pity of the spectacle? the terror of it? Her blue eyes continued to rest on the convict, a young fellow of no more than one-and-twenty, of magnificent proportions, but with face sodden and brutish. For his part

om? Looks like one o' them bally Christmas dolls had dropped o

ite, pretty fingers tight against her breast. "

harshly. "Hell!" h

d. "I'm sorry," s

eyes stared at

ou have to

tly found no adequate adjective. "If t

e could. "It's my King George gold piece, date 1762, and belonged to my father who wore

if she ain't! Looks like a lily! A bally white lily!" he repeated wonderingly. "One of them kin

ant it?" sai

tingly, as if half-minded to and half-m

in't a

ly; again the big hand went toward t

to kill were unmistakably revealed in his countenance as he heard the bland voice of the police agent. Fro

rnor's wife preceded the approach of the party

drew her away. "My dear little lady!" he said. "Really you do

rved Sir Charles.

u about! The 'Pet of 'Frisco.

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