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Half A Chance


Word Count: 2548    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ughfares that give forth a glad hum; wheels singing, too; whips that crack in sprightly arpeggios. On the streets, people, not shadows, who walk with a swing; who really seem to br

; grimy, repulsive London now

hree persons whose appearance distinguished them from the ordinary p

mitted to the English bar, he surprised even his examiners. His summing-up in the Doughertie murder case was, I heard his lordship remark, one of the most masterly efforts he ever listened to. Just tore the circumstantial evidence to pieces an

eighteen, turned as she lightly asked the question, to glan

ethods of psychology, psychiatry and anthropo

Steele comes from our part of the wo

you know,"--tentatively stroking an imposing pair of mustaches, tinged with gray

erson, a man of about three-and-thirty, inquired. "M

e other man, pausing before a

nter, etc'" la

now," was the protesting answer. "Quite

ned them. "Captain Forsythe is trying to persuade me it is a legitimate part of our slumming plan to take in murder trials, uncle," she said lightly, addressing the foremost of the

dividual, "and, although I don't aspire to the long nam

lders, as to say, every one to

ever misses a murder trial! I believe he likes to watch the poor fellows fighting for their lives, to study

d that worthy person, with a shudder. "When I t

ore being sighted and picked up, I belie

hey seemed so to me! I thought every moment would be our last a

Ronsdale, his lids lowering slightly.

ir Charles. "You," gazing contemplatively at

ce had abruptly changed; all laughte

honor! Tell you about it later. Never saw anything finer, or better. And the amazing part of it is, the fellow looked like a brute, had the low, ig

f varying lights, flashed, then became dimmed; a suspicion of mist blurred the long, sweeping lashes. "He had a big, noble spark in his soul. And I

o remembered by you, Miss Jocelyn!" inte

d!" the thin lips

tain Forsythe went on. "He would, I am sure, h

in a reverie. "I am almost sorry I was persuaded to come here to-day," she said at lengt

is lordship has a pretty sense of humor, and nev


d of turning the proce

t his wit," said the girl. "And i

from any one else wouldn't

ack this way," he observed. "That is," look

uld bore you--a trial! You are s

return for you--very kind. Hope you will find it amusing. G

und themselves afforded an excellent and unimpaired view of his lordship, the jury, prisoner, witness and barristers. Presumably the case had reached an acute stage, for even the judge appeared slightly mindful of what was going on, and allowed his glance to stray toward the witness. The latter, a little man, in cheap attire flashily debonnaire if the

d, one of the police spies, cheap race-track man and so on, in the box. He came to the front in a murder trial quite c

oulders were straight and broad; he stood like an athlete, and, when he moved, it was impossible to be unconscious of a certain physical grace that came from well-trained muscles. He carried his head high, as if from a habi

em. Against the dark background, the girl's golden hair was well-calculated to catch the wandering gaze; the flowers in her hat, the great bunch of violets in her dress added insistent alluring bits of color in the dim spot where she sat. Erect as a lily stem, she looked oddly out of place in

ho stirred nervously, but waited a

amination is fin

changed; a smile of singular

a curious psychological turn, a feature of another problem seized me; it was like p

in a great while, although following a case very closely, I have found it possible to

ength, concluded his cross-examination. "I think, your Lordship, the question of the

is lordship. "We are not

our lordship's indulgence for the"--an instant's iron

o," said his l

ache of brick-dust hue seemed to droop as he slunk out of the box; he appeared subdued, almost frighte

orsythe, as well as others, perhaps, should be drawn hither on occasions when this man appeared. Straight, direct logic characterized the speech from beginning to end; only once did a suggestion of se

n mechanically to gather up his books; his face that had been marked by the set look of one determined to drive on at his best with a task, now wore a preoccupied expression. The prisoner whined a question; Steele did not answer, and som

o meet one we have heard of

ip, Judge Beeson, m'de

ur cross-examination was masterly; had you been in a certain other case, years ago, when the evidence of that very pe

She was standing quite close to him now; he could detect the fragrance of the

our Lordship

hat august court personage; then as the lat

to you Mr. Steele," said Ca

u, sir," said the

," with a laugh, "experienced some doubts about a

gloved hand she gave him;

I am so glad I came," said the

d as he dropped it. "You,--you are making Englan

esent! But how--" she broke off. "I suppose, though, you could tel

teele; a voice wished him good morning. The man stood with his hands on his books; it did not occur to him to accompany her to the door. S

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