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My Ex husband is a bastard (He wants me back)

Chapter 3 Abortion

Word Count: 1913    |    Released on: 16/11/2022


s Point

e here" The lawyer pushed the paper to h

e lawyer came to the hou

the sitting room opposite hazel and the lawyer a

d Octavia to get dressed

him before this day to p

wept quietly the lawyer was just staring at he

.." The lawyer told her agai

nd let's forget about it"

are going to the hospital, so b

d and cleaned her face bu

the lawyer tol

ce paper and later signed on the paper as

old the lawyer and

for confirmation and he nodded h

, it is done" the lawyer smile

or" Duncan stood up

you later"

bye" the lawye

e now single again," Octavia

tied to a b*tch" Duncan scoffed

Oh my bad you aren't a Gonzalez anymore, you a

er more" Dun

o the next round

re leaving soon,

sulting her and Duncan didn't

ter divorcing her"

uncan call

," he

unning to the sitt

nswer me late"

r" she apolog

ble to pack her things out of this hou

g in a day" Flora told him and stare at

e has done to make D

he heard the lawyer tellin

he best madam they could ever ask for and as the hea

at not part of your jobs" Dunca

t done right away" Duncan answer

a," Hazel

ya stopped midwa

loads, they aren't mine

ting good, huh"

ortant documents, that is all that i

lora called a

says" Asher

ra bowed and

eyes holding her tummy as Dun

n if he is for Duncan she won't want to kill the innocent child, s

ought the bag sh

a" Hazel smil

od up and motioned fo

o the hospital to be assur

ow us since she is your new g

let's go

z Ho

om the car at the same time

but acted like strangers while Mrs.

h Duncan and stared at t

having a baby and now, I'm coming back

any better?" Ha

r and said, "Crying

me," Hazel asked Dunca

ke the money and leave, I don't want to see you ever agai

via are inside drove inside the hos

this done" Duncan L

he docto

d Mrs. Gonzalez" she gr

on, Doctor" D

miss Ramirez, not Mr. and Mrs. G

doctor said confused but masked wi

the doctor asked as she is sta

ez and Octavia with the couples who she think

omething else" Mrs. Mia Gonzal

r an abortion,"

done it right now,"

she said

just do your work and get th

, ma," she

f if she can withstand the complications," the

ld with or without any compli

, follow me" the doctor stoo

e ope

ne waiting for the doctor to abort her ba

outside a reserved waiting room fo

t the baby saw the hesitatio

z, what is wr

rez, doctor" Haz

y bad," the

he baby because you were happy in th

esitated to abort the

but I'm forced to," Hazel said

nning to the end from when she left the

m so sorry" The docto

d my fate, doctor" Hazel smile

, Toni" she correcte

t abort the child

possible," Haze

't abort the chi

tions and might not be able to give birth again" Toni s

ng at her with rapid attent

at rest if you kill this baby, many are looking for a baby and you have o

when I don't have enough money,

of here, then you will know wha

what tomorrow ca


octor said

ll an inno

el to her and the chi

the child isn

by if he doesn't w

o fend for hi

tor as I recovered from the numb

P Wait

r lives and the both of you will ge

ctavia smiled and

you okay,"

m fine"

since we got here," M

noticed it too"

t is nothing" Du


rang interrupti

ame in because he knew they won't stop distu

ed up t


what i

id it

t to the place

e ten minute

ank you" the

nd faced his

wait any longer fo


ency call from Wendy from

n she is done, give it to her and tell her to leave an

e nodded and lef


n room and went to meet Duncan's mum

m" she gree

called and stood u

y without no complicatio

doctor" Oc

r" Mrs. Mia frowne

the doctor

u just say," Octa

y I removed the baby



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