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Chapter 5 FIVE

Word Count: 1095    |    Released on: 18/11/2022

been anywhere near the school and it was difficult for

more time, hoping it would ring, but it sang rep

tely opened the door. "Ril- Oh,

t Ruby blocks her, and she looked at

tely gripped her eyes like a dark curt

the door and it left her h

the rain I tried convincing her to stay

?" Eva asked, loo

with her eyes popping o

ened?" Eva

e would be?" Ruby ign

pened!" S

uld be. She wouldn't dare go to her family's house that she knew. So she sat on a bench frustrated, scrolling through her

he wore a green up-and-down suit

had caught his attention, and she then h

ey files,

ll laugh fol

" she said, looking at th

her not get her information

run a background check on her," Lisa

you find out.

hanage home two days after and a week, Riley was adopted and the records s

live?" He asked,

al year student, she studies busi

asked, curiously. Li

er out." She

ved in the dorm,"

e of school with Ruby, I beli

she drove her outright? W

s bar, and works there

He raised

r," she

dly he licked his lips. "Prepare the car, we have a

our father today," Lisa said. H

me?" His vo

spot" she replied, Daniel,

rtant came up and postpo

a's eyes b

to go!" He urged to roll

ered to her. She took out her phone and sighed, it had been on aeroplane mode all da

o her head every time she was free. Last night, she had seen someone that looked much

e to see you" a lady covered in tattoo

new she was here or was i

n out, he looks w

She yelled the door closed

no one was out, the diner was

rt skipped, she immediately

the wall, her eyes opened wider "Mr Daniel?" She

e was letting him see her in this situation, especially when she was supposed to be in school. "What are y

she whispered, w

er voice was loud enough. Riley sighed, covering her head.

f and realized she wore only s t-shirt which was sl

r gritted teeth. "Why are you he

k at him, licked her lips and hung her head low, he looked d

?" She replied, never ta

chool, so I came with some

the lady behind him,

to offer you a place

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