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Chapter 6 SIX

Word Count: 1133    |    Released on: 19/11/2022

offer you a place to stay

lding her head. Then it hit her, h

ood firmly with the lady she doesn

her speechless. Seeing she had not said anything, he continued, "It's

apartment? This apartment was meant for millionaires, celebrities and m

niel was ab

following a small laugh, "Is this something you did for the whole stu

cuse me,"

ide. Riley darted at her and him, confus

-" he took a

!" She stepped back

th me?" He said,

ld I?" She asked, Danie

rt twitched and her face flushed as his hands roamed her back, gosh the feeling was able to take her to the moon and back, Mr Daniel felt so good, and hi

her professor. He pulled back gently, "Riley?" He pulled her back to take a look at her. Ril

. Her hand craned into his hair, he tasted so good and she couldn't have enough, she kept wanting more. Her toes curled up, and her legs pressed tightly, the sensation he caused made her wet at the same time. His hands moved lower, and Daniel broke the kiss, and his mouth found her neck, a soft moan escaped her lips. Riley

led away before she could.

ve fun with your money," he said, licking his lips. This

y, Mr Dan

aid, and took her chin, oh she was helpless to his

She grab


are see him again after this, kissing her

said and placed his

ou're my

as your admirer" he finished, Riley stood there staring, now words, no thought. "See

ere were no words or thoughts, her face only reddened at his

bragged, he was excited and happy she didn't shrug him off, "Just in case you're curious about it, y

a green dress and sandals, she takes a cab. Minutes later, she arrives at W's apartment. Riley stops at the sk

lding is mine,"

Riley turned and grabbed the taxi door, "No, I can't" she said, but paused. Was she going to sleep at The C

seeing it close, "Wait!" She stopped and smiled the

Riley looked at her and she had no

," she said, with

got, sweetie" she said, Riley's mouth opened, from

e penthouse?"

? Boyfriend's then?" The

, n

le's?" She ask

pat, frustrated

smile that showed her teeth. "Oh, he wo

but what floor is uni

ey's heart skipped, she had never been to the 10

e a height"

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