Hints for Lovers
ible, c'est le bonheur palpable, c'est le c
nough to enslave mankind. As a matter of fact, it is muc
rable or a loveable character. A
ld arouse our resentment, with w
eloped in man than in woman. (N. B. Perhaps this i
never be settled, how much value sh
n fact, man, the inconstant crea
who speaks of "musculus sterno-cleido-mastoideus"; at touch
r their complexions tha
provokingly delightful is the uniformed demureness of an hospit
wn among men is: a good woma
ingle charm, be it even beaut
beauty that made Helen
uch; but there is a charm more
erfume: the petals may delight, but they l
d and comptable, the subtle perfume el
ul: at once it enhances, as it refi
ifies all it surrounds: though it divin
the lowliest herb becomes
has its own in
the violet to en
emeanor and wit; but a prepotent and psychic esse
ls, so the spirit perceives that its fleshy vesture is not a thing apart, to be donned or doffed at wil
arp of flesh, sprit is
ugh in a m
arer are mutua
t the psychic wearer beneath the corpor
mutual search-the starkest s
oul is never wholly divulged-no