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Let the Past End

Chapter 4 Kid

Word Count: 1597    |    Released on: 20/11/2022

ally cannot take another breath right now. Involuntary chest tightening occurred unexpectedly. However, I came up short. Slowly but surely, the lobster I was holding back began to lea

siting you guy

our first true loves. How com

nt to know better, and so I wept uncontrollably when my father left us. I was certain t

with courage, Jhellie

ories. My focus was fixed on the clear sk

sobbing. There it was on the playground. I went up to the kid and tried

is a little longer than most boys'. This kid looks to be between three and five years old

ere is yo

r do this? Never lea

being told, "I don't know wher

at my back. I decided to check out


is leg. A sour grin formed on my face. Because of this, I avoided making eye conta

to you," I stated bluntly. distance oneself from t

hard to accept.

Nate and inquired,

got up to leave, but his r

" He said to the kid, "She's waiting for us," an

otice me. If only I had neglected h

ul of a pers

ith my gaze. I got up from where I was sitting. So, I

w why I didn't see that right away. Maybe it's because h

hen I got home, I saw Mom, but I didn't pay attention; instead, I

d bitten my eye, so I told her I'd been bitten by an insect while playing outside, and that's w

e park, I was overcome with a dull heaviness. It's as though we've abandoned all of

ne with his lips. With a sigh of relief, he exhaled deeply.

n your eyes? We were just enjoyi

correctly. I reached out to take

rd it right." "

I no longer recognize the man I once loved in his eyes. He

?" The words just wouldn

aps he has more. He won't let me go without a sur

Just looking at you

g? You've simply been fa

ion toward me, I've always t

. He didn't say a word

don't get it!" I'm not sure if I'd feel re

will hurt. After hearing your respons

esounding "yes,"

pain because of something I've kept hidden for a long time. I thought I'd fixed it so it wouldn't hu

en continually break m

g you, I ask that you put all

ou." "Even if it kill

lled my eyes. All I want is to stay uprisin

ver truly loved me, and it hurts to think

g. "Will you give me one

eel like we're completely alone. As time passed, his face finally appeared. He no longer looked at you with the same blazing passion;

our las

s. Because of the pain they had caused, the tears I shed

been kissing for quite some time. He g

I will take back my f

like a whisper, an


lous. There is a lot of attention focused on me.

or my lips. "How come I wasn'

give in and agre

ying, I used my p

im go. If you didn't do that, you'd be stuck in an unlov

to find a way to temporarily put the painful memo

nim shorts, and white sneakers. My hair was combed. So, I just let

arance in the mirror. Both of my eyes are

wnstairs. I kissed my mother goodbye and hurr

going to l

forget, whe

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