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Let the Past End

Chapter 8 Drunk

Word Count: 1290    |    Released on: 06/12/2022

scooped up some soup and tasted it. For some reason,


ly positioned the tray appropriately on the small table in the center of my room. I

: Un

that you'

ho are you? Is this the person my mother was chatting with? Is the


're giving me some gooseb


: Un

take care of your

ve no way of helping you. After using it, I


heard in the dead of ni

eason you were

t's enough of that. I'm on the phone with my faithful best frie

ir screams are audible. There was complete silence on the other side except for the two o

anna Mariel?" This

uld get in touch with Mark? You should inform him that I

s because of you. We can't afford to repeat that mistake. Put an end to this nonsense, and I'l

but sure. Since nobody would dare send that

troom and deciding to wash up. When he was done, he changed into his clothes. In other words,

ed, "Where ar

It's been a few days, but

ken. You never know what coul

st pick up Anna and take

go wit

"Sure, w

d in and greeted everyone. A short amount of ti

girl, anyway? "We are getting ready to h

. There isn't muc

young woman." If I run into that teen agai

just shrugged her off like any other parent who

in another country. Oh, and I'll preach to her if they don't get

r away. She's never far from me, even if it's only Mom. We can still be friends despite the differences in ou

l silence. I wound down the Jeep's window and

is he hangin

ere isn't much

ools, and other random places. Since I've brought Mama home unconscious on multiple occasions, I know she's

warm. My resistance is diminished. If I got a 95 in PE, I'm only at an 86 and an 83 on th

alt. I gazed out the window. Here we are, at the sending button. My mom and I headed downstairs and into the pub. Suddenly, the blaring spe

both of his shoulders. "Mom, you stay here outside first." "Mom, you wait outside while I go in." Mama shou

climbed up into his lap. in a forward-facing position. Wave as if yo

out of "Bri

truth is that I

o his feet. Fortunately, he's still wearing c

e welcome to participate if y

right now. I decided to talk to the guy. I embraced him and put my arms around both of his

y will rock your world." "I don't want to see your face,

n her bottom and slid back onto the comfy chair. I reached in a

ung across my shoulder, and her

ith you?" the witc

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