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Imperia Luna

Imperia Luna


Chapter 1 The Golden Sarcophagus

Word Count: 2207    |    Released on: 21/11/2022


his door is something that no one has ever seen before. After several years hidden from the public eyes, our museum has fin

yed. This exhibition is believed to be cursed, and each item that you're about to see has its own story to tell. Our team of anthropologist

pen and let the tourists admire the room from the outside before giving them permission to enter. Am

geline." Evangeline Odin smiled at the tour

recognised by the museum. But, it all happened after her death. It's

you only manage to see some of the artefacts from the G

aven't seen before. Is it new?"

t haven't been examined yet. Miss Kingston wasn't happy at all because of the value o

ntly not available. Besides, why should

She should be here," the t

name is nowhere to be found anywhere. She wasn't mad for it since Miss Kingston looks up to your mother and the work she had done. But when she

he saw the curator walks into the exhibition hall with a huge smile plastered on his face. Evangeline excuses herself and

urprised when she heard a giggle. She loo

ine was totally shocked when a

Evangeline was this close to fallen for him just for his smile, but once again she

that?" The man

her own good, she let it go and continue

once again, she heard a distant giggle. When she looks up, the people around he

hat?" She a

angeline turns around, she was surprised to see on

s Kingston smile

nk?" Evangeline pretended to act like a critique and p

" Evangeline laughs together with Miss Kingston. They continu

ur final year in anthropology, co

out The Golden Sarcophagus. That is why I'm

as found at the burial site. There is a whole crate full of artefacts that haven't been open yet, and we still have the burial ground to explore. I need s

n you, then it's settled. Since I already found a person

Miss Kingston looked around and wave

b, Caleb, meet Evangel

actly reside inside the sarcophagus? We know she's

vered, she was betrayed by her own father; forced to be buried alive and left to die all on her own. The queen last moment was filled with sorrow

ne coffin was actually a vampire. There is a whole story about th

ntific research, Caleb. I thought I already told you that many times

e person that's inside thi

nown as Im

y walk into the museum first thing in the morning. Evangelin

ng else going on. Might as well volunteer with me and who knows

took anthropology was that my family f

ause you already promised. Besides, you are the type of

the proper identification to even go any further than what normally supposed to."

have that, do you have any idea what kind of artefacts we're about to examine?" Daphne was too lazy to guess so sh

n eyebrow before facing her f

other volunteer. He is on the second year of anthropology. So th

ly. Daphne smiled at him a

y get to examine the Golden Sarcophagu

you kidding me? Please tell me that you're joking ri

at you for doing this!" Daphne

u, Daphne." Before Daphne could talk sense into her friend, Miss

gston introduced the private vault where

unnecessary with the artefacts inside this vault. Just a heads up, this vault alone

ed out the gloves to the students before l

nally get to open it?" Caleb acts precisely like a

agus. That is why we were granted access into the vault." As Miss Kingston places her hand

she even turns her attention to t

ets the camera ready. Miss Kingston decides to let

p cover." But before Miss Kingston said they could move them, Evangeline

to pieces," instead of checking what's inside the sarcophagus, miss Kingston w

his," Daphne was busy checking her nails. When she turns t

Slowly but surely, Caleb raised her hand and pointed at the sarcophagus. D

he sarcophagus with its whole body covered in a dirty shro

n her butt when she tries to take a

earn." The figure said as it tried to remove the shroud

e the undead, but once in a while I do need to breathe some fresh air."

oid figure with ease. While the students were worried that they might see a disfigured ancient

ddenly appeared out of nowhere. The figure decided to stand up from the sarcophagus, and as

their ruler." Imperia chuckles when the

?" Imperia asked. She enjoys watch

e a great ruler of all Gotus," Miss Kingston said it, but she doesn't know where

d just like that,

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