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The Withered Doll

Chapter 4 Where Are You

Word Count: 4133    |    Released on: 23/11/2022


m and do- oh my God. I never knew my daughter is a whore. Perhaps I've been a bad influence on you, my dear." Now she's doing the blaming card. "But do you have to spray her face with whatever concoction inside that bottle? What if it's harmful for her?" My mother shakes her

ya. Even if you wore a mask to cover your identity; they will bound to know who you are. But for now, all we can do is to pretend that you have no idea what is going on. And let us pray that Haraya doesn't remember who you are." Why do I feel conflicted about this? Part of me wants to forget what just happ

ke that must be painful. It's been quite a night. I should get some shut-eye since I have to be at The Academy tomorrow. Besides, I have to keep


presence while some somehow felt pity over me. "Perhaps it is time for you to give back the car you took from The Academ

the lab and pour it into your mouth instead. There's a limit to my patience. Right now, that ver

d my father call this organisation as The Academy. A typical school doesn't have a subject that teaches you how to kill someone

some of the students lead by agent 1 were there to prevent that." I scoffed as they praised agent 1's achievement while I was the one who sto

for the former head's death, you went on to find a man to sleep with? Hmm,

tude before I do something you'll probably regret. Now, leave me alone. I need to enjoy my breakfast." I waved my hands to tell her that she should go before I go berserk. Of course, this woman just has to annoy me first thing in the morning. Di

ould even taste my mouth-watering scrambled egg, a technician

even ask for my permission to sit on my table. It seems like today is just not

se, we could try them ourselves, but we have no experience working in the field, as verifi

partment." The technician smiled from ear to ear after hearing that.


'm here to put myself in danger of testing their newly developed weapon. Other students had prob

technician leads me to a vault. As I walked inside the vault, My eyes widen by the many types of guns, bla

waves that will interfere with all kinds of communication devices, so it's easier for

mine probably plans on suck the funds dry with his ridiculous visions. I decided to test out several guns and even tried the new blade that they claimed will make my jo

or me. "What do you think of our progress?" The technician was intrigued to know what I think.

head first. It's stuck midway as I was reloading." The technician took some notes as I continue to comment on the

ou now. Would you please follow me to his office." Huh? But the ban


s were killed in the comfort of his own home. The student who was supposed to guard him didn't even have a chance to survive. Our intel believes that Haraya has made her move against our organi

coming all her way to find our organization. Because just hours ago, I was informed that she attacked another one of

time being. Haraya is trying to get to you. Even if you hate me, I'm still your cousin, and I care for you and aunty's safety. I'll use my power to find someone to

la. I hate it here. The only reason I am sitting on this chair is because of the elders who want me to take uncle'

off after the old man is dead. Anyway, about the bodyguard. It will be nice if you could find someone who's not going to let me die a painful de

harm's way." Andrei smiled. Hmmm. What a fake ass man he turns out to be; no wonder both y

gent 12. You know how he likes to punish those who came late to his clas

ards Agent 12's class. If you care for me, you won't let the elders do whatever they want to me just because I'm a woman. Well, Haraya is doing her best to kill the elders f



see my guardian walking towards me after

. The weird thing is, I can't even remember how she looks like, but I do remember her name. Mirella. Mirella; what a sweet name for a woman to have. What I do know is that she's related to

ademy. You may do whatever you want to the target as long as she's dead. That is your orders from

es. The man was fighting back. I was using his shotgun. So don't worry about being trace back to us. But, it doesn't matt

ure what they meant, but they put on quite a fight too. Loo

inched the bridge of her nose. "But do you have to gauge their eyes out? What is with you and human eyes? You can't see

a bunch of the eyes I managed to have from the corpse and dangling it in

simply leave The Agency. How about I help them by stabbing you with my dagger?" I t

Lady Red gave me a box and keep the eyes inside. "We should leave now. Let the cleaning

st mansion. "Lady Red, is it okay if I take this as a souvenir for myself?" I reached out for a sword that was on t


ce and got into the car. "The Agency will provide you with any kind of weapon you desire. So please refrain yourself from taking

ticed- a flare? Wait, no. It's a- A SCOPE! "Eh? What are you-," I didn't wait

ded right in front of us. "GO! HUNT!" Lady Red gave me the orders to find the assassins who were aiming its gun at us. As I equip myself with my dagger, I ran t

bite. I promise." I saw a slight movement from a bush not far from where I was standing

ir hiding place. I used this person's body as a shield to cover myself from being shot. "Are you dead yet?" I asked my 'shield' while usi

my dagger and pulled it out from his chest, and throw the handgun on the corpse.

et our act right. These assassins are bold enough to use this method to kill us. If y

haps they could help us by finding a good


uman being. So, just tell me where I can find Mirella." I waited before burning her palm once again using a lighter. Ev

to let this beautiful face of yours decompose after you die. Tell me where Mirella is, and I will protect you from The Agency. How's that?" I smiled, but this

your humanity when my mother was begging for her life?!" Oh, she was referring to that old lad

what mother supposed to do? Shielding their children with their own life?" But she was in m

d this woman to shut her up. Even though she knows that I have the upper hand, th

oon, this place will be crawling with my agents." I smirked. "Let them come. I have no fear. Have you forgotten of who I'm truly

smiled when I heard the sound of gun blazing from the outside of this room. "Do you think I went to kill yo

hat machine gun." My guardian sighed before removing her

dian doesn't like the idea. "Just kill her and leave this place! We've made a big mess here. The Academy will soon surround this place if w

ing her chest with my dagger. "Let's leave! Now!" Lady Red came

nd just dragged me out from the room through the windows. Luckily, I man


her after rummaging through her suitcase. "This is nothing. It's only a small cut. I don'

my dress shirt. Lady Red hummed as she examined the wound on my left side. "It's

put this in your mouth. And please don't move." I bite on the cloth as Lady Red started to treat

I simply couldn't keep my eyes open as my guardian continues with her treatment. When I open my eyes, I am still on the kitchen tabl

e this place. It seems like someone has found our hideout." Again?! "Hey, Lady Red. Can't The Agency do something about our accommoda

er. "I can make some calls. I know a person who could help us. Besides, she

secure place. We will be well protected in her territory." Lady Red was skeptic

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