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The Withered Doll

Chapter 5 Mirella

Word Count: 4176    |    Released on: 23/11/2022


is for your safety, princess. Daddy's gone. So your cousin is taking his place to make sure you're safe from the killing machine." Mirella scoffed. "Are you forgetting t

ed her shoulder. "Well, Lord Mika is probably the easiest for you, but right now, we're facing someone far deadlier than Lord Mika. This woman- Haraya, is different. The only reason why I have to use this prosthetic arm is because of

know why the new head even dares to continue hosting this banquet even after what happened to the elders. What is going on inside his head, princess?" Mirella shrugged her shoulder. When the car stops in front of the main entrance,

his head, no. "I am on duty. Please refrain yourself from sayings such things, princess." Mirella chuckled as they ma

y have experienced in this field." Mirella whispered the last part only for her escort to hear. "Now, let's find that useless cousin of mine. I would like to leave this place as soon as possible." Both Mirella and her bodyguard searched f



the new head? Hmmm. "I'm even more surprised to see you here, sir. I didn't see you at the funeral, though. Even though I leave before they

cousin. She's family." Andrei smiled at the minister before winking at me. I shake my head, amused by his reaction. "The only reason why I'm here is because of the elders. If I have to choose, Mirella is a better leader than I am. Besides, she has the highest killing streak in The Acad

a has the potential while I'm only here because of my gender. It's time for us to give the opposite sex the same attention. I'm sure every single person in this ballroom knows what is

sn't that right, Mirella?" Andrei smiled at me. The minister scoffed. "Humph." Andrei continues to smile as the minister leaves us. "Why did you do that? You're only making the elders determine to keep an eye on you." Andrei shrugged his shoulder. "Isn't that the whole plan? I want them to keep an eye on me so you can do whatever it takes to take this position from me. Mirella,



ting such an extravagant party like this without proper security? They probably never thought that I would be here. "Hey! This place is a restricted area! You cannot enter this building. Please leave before-," I threw my dagger at th

someone named Mirella?" I asked a group of people who were too busy talking with each other. "Mirella? She's probably inside the ballroom for all I care. Who are you-," I gr

I need to go to the ballroom. That's where Mirella is. "Is this the ballroom?" I asked a man who carries around

med at the top of his lungs, which makes me annoyed. I shove my gun into his mouth and shoot him dead. While I was reloading my gun, I noticed a group of guards are on their way to apprehend me. Without a care in the world, I use my foot and kic

your mouth shut. I'm here for Mirella. Where is Mirella?" I asked. "What have you done?! Don't you know that he is the minister of defense! You'll get into trouble for this!" I ignored them all as I search for the person I'm here for. "I want to see Mirella. Where is she?" I asked once again while grabb

g at me and pulled the trigger. I smiled at the sight of him, struggling to breathe

S ROOM; I WILL FUCKING SHOOT THEM TOO! COME OUT!" I immediately aimed my gun at a woman who suddenly raised both hands. "Put

did you find me?" This woman asked. "A little bird told me." I made my way towards this woman before tilting my head to make sure that she is the one. "Are you Mirella?" I asked. "Yes. I am Mirella. So,

om. "Usually, I would carry you in my arms, but I'm busy right now. So please, stop struggling and just


armor vehicle. Why do you have to take this death trap among all the gorgeous vehicles at t

efore she turned around to look at the back. She sigh. "Well, they were paid to protect me but fail to do so. Even though I hate almost half of the people in the ballroom, they're important for my cousin's survival in this cruel business. Why do you have to go this far to find me?" Mirella turned bac

nd grenade at the cars behind them. "You do realize that this explosion will be all over the news, right?" Haraya nodded while she continues to

for real? Look! I didn't mean to make you lose your memory. It was not my idea. Perhaps, we could make a deal?" Haraya smirked when she made the sharp corners

onvington." The blonde woman says at the small metal box before the gate opens on its own. "Where are we?" "Don't you recognize that crest on the gate?" Mirella was even more confused. "Oh my. You're Russian, an

nding at the front door of the villa, who's crossing her hands on her chest. "Haraya- I am speechless. Just what did you do?" Haraya sigh when Lady Red bombarded her with

d you went into my office to find out where The Academy location is?!" Mirella's eyes widened when she came face to face

t to bring the defense minister to face justice. Haraya, you need to control yourself. You can't simply go and massacre all b

"This woman is Sera's daughter; Mirella." The president took a step forward and lifts Mirella's chin.

ut if anyone in this house decided to go against me, I will not stand down. Even if I have to drag everyone to Hades myself." Haraya grabbed hold of Mirella's hands and dragged her into the villa. "Lady Red, please prepare ev

superior myself. Haraya will not get herself into trouble for this. It's just; I am worried about the lady's safety. Will




be. Of course, Haraya said I should never step out of this villa or I will be in trouble. Haraya even warned me that I wouldn't like her when she's angry. "Good morning, milady. Miss Haraya ap

villa might belong to the president of this country, but Miss Haraya has the final say." The maid smiled at me. I guess I can just toss that plan in the

ight, I went to the shower before soaking myself in the tub. In all my life, I have never felt so serene like now. Perhaps I have nothing to worry about. Wait, what am I saying?! Of course, I

la. But, if you want to leave, there's always a way to do so, but it might be the death of you. None of us here really like to see miss Har

let her do whatever she came here to do. "You have such a beautiful and soft skin, milady. No wonder miss Haraya would do whatever it takes to have yo

but for her, it's the only decent way to do it. When the Miss first came to see the president, the Miss seems distraught. It's rare for us to see the Miss like that. Even the president started to get worried. We might not know what exactly happened between the two



pleting my mission. Lady Red was surprised to see me all covered in blood. "I hope that's not your blood. What happened to you? And why did you put yourself

widen. "You were shot?! Wait! They got you?!" I waved my hands away. "I got the bullet out using a fork that I found in the target's kitchen. But I d

n Mirella took me by the hand and dragged me towards the kitchen. "May I have the first aid kit, please?" The maid

think that she's up to something sinister. "If you're ready, you should remove your shirt. It's easier that way." Did she expect me to remove my shi

ed my hesitation. "Oh, come on. I saw you naked before. This is nothing." I finally revealed my wound to this woman. I'm pretty sure she didn't

you; this is nothing." Mirella has a point, but that doesn't mean she can do whatev

mouth burst from laughing so hard. "Did he begged for his life?" "He did. But I ignore his plea and just choke him." I winced when she made a mistake. "Ah, sorr

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