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The Girl Who Stole My Heart

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 3286    |    Released on: 27/11/2022

k forgiveness from Violet and her family herself. After talking with the principal, she was sen

e if the mistress of this household is in a good mood or not," Audr

hem with open arms. Audrey was taken aback by her response. From this,

Mommy. Something happened?" Audre

could die from it!" Auriana laug

Auriana places a comforting hand on Gwen's back. She

e best time to say what you wish to say," Gwen ge

eal was astounded when she witnessed w

y are you all here? Audrey? What's

about to help Gwen up when Gwen yelled 'I'm sorry' as loud as

esn't know how to react to this. She is used to people grovelin

ipal and he has revoked your suspension," Auriana

ut? You got the suspension on the second day of scho

lieve that Violet doesn't have the nerve to tell her with

ds do the apologizing and groveling for you? Is this how

ed everything. Auriana was in a rage when she learned that her youngest daughter has

mission to do such thing?!" Auriana took a step forward a

en fall in her side. Violet watched this with wide eyes,

and I was stupid to accuse her of hurting me," Auriana

ourself, it won't change the fact that you hurt a Martin! You and your family will pay for w

can't take it when the person who means something

fact that her friend was just got slapped by a sadistic woman. She can feel that her breathing ge

her towards her body. She knows that her frie

e principal has revoked the suspension. That's enough for me," A

emember what happened on junior high, where this group of guys ganging up

d her voice like that. She can't help but moan from th

beginning to have some kind of attractio

and angry at the same time. Impressed because Violet finally sticking

, I will personally kill his whole family with my own bloody

ened. When Richard finally get a hold of him

on? Oh no, is it a fever?!" Gianna looks up

ily while holding on Hadley's shoulde


t there," Hadley silently laughing at her frie

ace! That I can control but when she raised her voice like that, I can't shake the feeling that she

ain her laughter any longer as she literally 'exploded' in fro

tting all flustered again but this time f

your every need! I thought you said Richard tried to satisfy your need? What

tion at all. I tried to hit his ass, but he complains about it before I could even finish my role! And he finishes too soon whi

was that traditional wax without any name calling or a simple slap on the ass," Gianna sigh.

ore stopping her friend fr

aughing at me!"

ow Richard will react... when you said ... let's

ou want to come in or no?" Hadley finds

y mom and sister comes home," Hadley waved her friend goodbye

delicious coming from her kitchen. She placed her bag on the couch and went to

giving advice to her kids about the life lesson that sometimes can be harsh. She has th

ty. As the second youngest of the family, she tends to depends on her older s

l. She likes to party and drinks all night long, n

ge!" Gianna was surprised by the fact that he

point of your sister paying for your tuition?!" Veda announced angrily. Gianna was overwhelmed by the news.

er sister before nodding her head. Gi


Can't you appeal or something? Seriously Imrie, $10,000 is a lot of

has been helping her parents in terms of her sibling's education and monthly expenses. After their father,

kicked out from the university. He was speechless and doesn't know what to say. He let his eldes

husband's back

e lecturer decided to get hands on me! God! What? You want me to

a, and Mirella quest

him to put his hands up my skirt while I was bending down!" Imri

ds her. Gianna gave her sister a comforting smile. She knows her sister did t

another female student to be threatened just so they could graduate," Mir

eone rings the doorbell. Veda got up from her

turns to confusion when she saw Hadley stand

da nod her head while her eyes still o

a left something at her home," Hadley

in us for dinner," Veda invited her guests and Hadley in. Violet

ey hands and pulled them inside their house. Hadley chuckled as sh

r friend's reaction and like she imagines, Gia

ever occurs whenever she's in Richard. Mirella and Imrie noticed h

figured it's something important for you to use for your homework,"

hing other there," Mirella pointed out. Hadley waved

" Veda patted Gianna's shoulder to tell her what she sho

can't let this happen ever again, well if what you claim is

rce himself on me," Imrie didn't think it through when she said

at each other since they sudden

and get that lecturer arrested," that sta

h extra plates. Violet can't deny how


figure, she has those knockers to boot! God, I'm jealous of Richard to ha

literally next to her and now she wants Violet I make the effo

people like me, they always ended up adopting a cat or a dog even thoug

ot make an effort to change that? Why are you so afraid?" Audrey asked w

ace, not knowing that her fr

ke a fool of myself by spilling my guts to a woman who has a boyfriend and then I got

your heart or you just like her for h

a bonus for me to fall for her. I first met him when she was helping a helpless student when we were in junior high. From that

en we start as high school junior, you would be the

e Gianna doesn't go to dates with a fat girl like me

n idiot as she listened back to what she had recorded. She entered her own home and gree

oom and lay on her bed, smili

o Gianna but before that, Hadley will have to do her pa


let lead her to a hidden place inside the academy. Follow close

g orders! Know your place!" Audrey glared at Gwen but

an use this room as long as I keep it clean and all but as you can see, it's abandon

her masterpiece were created while she was a student here at Vis

yet comforting to see her be

le more room for their own comfort. I seek help from the club's advisor she mentioned about this r

for her art club when she was a student her

g for her to use," everyon

has no room to spare for them. Victoria asked our father to build one for them as a joke but it turns out there's an abandoned

," Hadley opened more of the c

he art club again this year?" Giann

room with this majestic view, why not," Gianna

referring to is here," Violet said mentally whil

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