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Mated to the Enemy.

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1387    |    Released on: 06/12/2022

ur English teacher, she never stopped. Now we're prepared to take on the duties related to our packs. But we were alrea

wolf was calm and she wasn't making any commen

and new feelings. For a sec, I thought I wouldn't be able to peel my gaze of

t distracted me and helped m

one. I recognized his voice instantly. He was our Alph

uldn't he attend to the needs of his guests? "I hope your gu

He has lost his father too, "Anger is

rils flared, "

e, Kim." He tapped on my nose. He was twenty-nine years old, tall, a bodybuilder, a kindhearted A

tried to do his best for his pack. My lips' corn

ow, you're up

not upset,"

iled again, bending his head down, so he could clearly glance at me, "His sister, Katherine, she's my mate." I was expecting a blush. Nothing came like that.

r that he killed his father. He challenged him in th

old him. I had heard it from the

on my shoulders, "His fathe

mate's brother,"

ve to hear it. Now," He glanced around the woods, "Go back home. Kelv

whirled on my heels, crushing leaves benea

rown wolf. I didn't know, wild bears had walked into our territory. My head was hov

caused us so much trouble. I should be with my friends in high school but I was taking care of my mother's herbs. My

im. But I couldn't. He was

Another hand clamped over my mouth. I tried to shout, kick him, elbow him

a bear." He huskily

ked his scent. There was silence for a second. I didn

breathing over my ne

y soft touch. I covered his hand with mine. I tried to pull back. I needed to turn and I

opped breathing. What was he doing? What was wrong with me? I was liking his touch. I hadn't been touched like this before. His soft contact of callous finger

y shoulder taking the thick strip of my top along with his fingers. I

't understand his move, my voice was barely a whis

d feel about him. He was an enemy and always will be. Max was looking at the positive

t voice showed calm, but he made

. The Alpha has his own kind of

pulling his hands back, taking a long strid

feet tall. His amber eyes were drowning me. I could look into his eyes forever. The strong smell of his cologne engulfed me. I couldn't move back. My wolf nudged happily at the back of my head

, he buried his face in the crook of

in tingled. I felt his lips softly pressing on the crook of m

ileness pushed us behind the thick tree'

o your home," He caressed his thumb on m

could still feel his lips on my skin. My brain was still busy wi

o look back and disobey him. I couldn't ignore the

ll like him. I nee

I dropped the idea until the

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