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Mated to the Enemy.

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1400    |    Released on: 06/12/2022

look filled my eyes. My pulses picked up as I smelled

, "Momma! Momma! Did someone..." My jaw fell open. When I

breakfast with Alpha Troy," Carina aunt

e was here?" I drifted my gaze from aunty to my mother. I

ngry?" She asked with

wasn't certain. He was here. My mother was the best

ome?" I asked, feeling a rush of warmth begin in my belly at

at tasty food before

ce filled with shock an

eady for school."

? Don't you want my help to take care of your herbs, and plants?"

uld learn something from your mom. He was impressed

rl younger than me were trailing behind him. What was happening? D

Martha, Carina." He

d them with a warm smile and aske

e. Mom placed another bowl, bigger than mine, in front

Kelvin began to eat, n

would have told you about her,"

e took a few steps forward and bowed her head.

. He was a brother, he wouldn't do anything wrong to

r on the premises of our territory. She was w

ll me. I was running for my life," Ammu told us in h

hes, dirt on her face, messy hair, "Nothing to worry. You're safe now." She patted her han

lled down her dirty cheeks. Poor girl! I wou

under your care, to your hous

reat." Car

her looked at me, her arms stil

fell, "If she's not a danger we can adopt her." I said

f checked on her background. Her paren

ht more tears to her eyes, "What

stuttered because o

Sit down, young lady." Mom

in a sweet tone. No one wanted to see her in

I caught marks on his neck, "

here should not be claw's marks, or dried blood. He was an alpha. His wounds s

y details. Mom piled the plates in front of he

eed to shower. My old clothes

slightly nodded her head. H

arina said, still rubbing her hand on

uldn't pick a single word exchanged between them. I pushed t

o my room. There was a single bed, a desk for study, and a closet. Troy's warriors, Kelvin and Fabri, helped them in making with t

owned at her old clothes. They were ne

r bed, "I'm worried about it too. We should

buy new clothes." Sh

. People were going to address her as my mother's daughter, more than me. I adopted my father's ability

in my towel. Her wet hair was blonde and tied up in a bun

and plucked the best dress from the heap. Blue jeans and a whi

room to change

from Claudia's hands

egan to place them inside, "Why would

e's the alpha as you have told me. He mus

same question

ire's face," She giggl

n't we visit

ce, "Just don't talk about it, ba

ook?" Ammu asked u

der, but wouldn't be any longer. Momma woul

look beautiful," Claud

I comb your h

me. I could smell her fear and sh

Claudia asked, chewing on he

ry possessive in the room, "It's very beautiful. Thank you so much, Kim, Ladia," She u

e feet mirror on the wall a

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