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Royal CEO

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1171    |    Released on: 28/11/2022

r blue eyes that couldn't peel off of me when I kissed her, sealing our wedding. She had been promised to me and there was no way out. Letting other wo

uld know that I wasn't into this wedding. I saw her, my wife walking out of my

clever than

aw. I grabbed it exasperatedly. I swiped my finger and hoisted it up to my ear, "Dad?

e key to my success. I want his company. Though, I don't need it. Bu

o's with you?" His v

ven my father! I crinkle my lips, "What are you saying, dad?" I

m not giving you my company and that. If you couldn't save your wedding. You're welcomed home only

through me. My grip fas

in our family. But I'm determined to break h

ge of breaking. Instantly, I clicked on the messages I ignored before recei

er room. She didn't need to see the giant warrior of me. First, she walked into my room

but my family's c

ice but I failed. There's no sign

lazing. I grabbed my phone. Immediately, I called the manager. H

ut of the door and looking at me with a puzz

my wife?"

m stepped ahead, "Ma'am has recently checked out,

wife has recently headed toward the airport. I want every single detail." I told him a

ct her distasteful gaze seeing royalty around her at our wedding hall. I myself love to live like a common man. We count on the billion

ared at the screen. I pressed my lips, 'P

rance. Not a bad choice. You'll nev

tress. I didn't need to tell

h my flight. I couldn't take her blue eyes o

gaze on her. She was looking like a doll in her silky short nightdress. That was for me. She's for me. I've changed my mind. I was thinking of her to be a rich, spoil

d on my lips. I grabbed

tion before for a woman. But for her! I should thank

d was already waiting for me there with my car. I took the back door. The

I've never felt guilty before. I don't wanna consider her thoughts. She m

" He said with no exp

e information about her?" I advanced

black tablet from under hi

ardened and my finger

How dare she! First, she came uninvited to my room. Then she cli

l. Jared hurried to the passenger seat

ou won't like - what's

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