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Royal CEO

Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 1787    |    Released on: 28/11/2022

these white walls. The sight still haunted me in my nightmares that my husband was kissing another woman on our wedding day. I didn’t get a choice on who I got to marry, so when my family was pre

feel his commanding waves from afar too. His dark eyes stabbed me, accusing me of being his wife when he claimed my lips. I didn’t even know how I was chosen over th

. I washed my face, the water was cold a

my family would favor me in divorcing him, Edward Rhodes, the charming CEO

looking at m

ere. And most of all, I had sent half a million pounds for the building o

end on anyone. Aerial, my best friend. She takes care of our hotel and restaurant in my absence. W

hen bathing! I told myself. I grabb

not making a

ption. The hotel offered me a Royal suite. I snorted. Of cou

t me, lifting her chin. She was sitting behind the

becca." I nodded as she was busy. So, I turned to th

he was expecting my husband. I released a relieved breath when

e of my husband. Unbelievably, I'm feeling relaxed. They wouldn't know where I am. It is difficult to ignore the pensiveness that I'm feeling after leaving him without informing him. He deserves this. He has the r

around him. No! My head shook. Thoug

over my face when I stepped out. It felt like

s when I felt gazes on me. When curious gazes


er my face. People were recognizing me i

he newspaper, channel that he got married to a

eel them over me and their whispers were reaching my e

e's sinfully handsome an

at a cosy, comfortable place. I could see

backpack from my shoulder. This trip wasn't plann

ant is located in a cobblestone alley and I can hear ro

strange gazes over me a

e must be practising. Her eyes were closed. I had no knowledge about musi

uage. I replied in English. To my relief, she didn't gawk at me like the others. I

side of the waist. I met his dark glare. His teeth dug in my lower lip. I gasped. He used the opportunity and thrust his tongue into my mouth. His hands tightened on my waist and wrist as I wiggled under him. He didn't remove his gaze f

open my mout

ight here. if you dare to evoke it." He drew

wled through my body. He was looking dead

ding night, he can do this too. His threat doesn't se

ake smile on my lips. The same smile w

talk," He says

damn. " I muttere

lding the tray. She was looking at him with wide eyes, a broa

with a smile and motio

aze from him. She wrings her hands as she places the tray on t

," He s

here he must be flirting with her and pe


g on her knees she took a picture of them. She didn't offer to have a click with me

e see my swo

er smirk, sh

he found it humorous. I thinned my lips once

the tray. Another frown creased my brow

aid with a smirk and grabbe

ional people

t of control with

Clicked my pictures. Without my permission or your hair? " His f

d that! I could tell her about last night? The way! The waitress was look

ng to start with you. Sign the divorce and get out of my life," I snapped in a slow vo

id the glass closer to me. I was

t of cucumber. He slid it under my dress. Another gulp worked through my t

e me feel like this. I wan

our room, darling." He said, p

rew back. He leaned back in his chair and stared at me quietly.

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