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Addicted To His Deep Love

Chapter 4 Nothing To Lose

Word Count: 1432    |    Released on: 26/12/2022

p, Rowley!" Nat

d an expl

Rowley do

he try to l

l, she anxiously rambled about what had happened last night. "Flora and Alisha set me up. Co

wley said expressionle

she had misheard, she asked slowly, "Wh

happened. Flora must've prepared something in a

e to her as soon as he found o

king to see if anyone was watching them. Then he

e. "I heard that you were sent to the Braxton family instead o

me flooding into her mind once

that Rowley would find out abo

hat's good. I'm sorry. After I straighten out the matter of my inheritanc

Natalie felt both st

head guiltily. "And then Alisha promised to help me become the heir of the O'Brien family

lt that the man in front o

ol and didn't bu

on and had no right to compe

nced Rowley that she could help him

nor did she want to think about it. Looking at Rowley's face, she fe

you abandoned me? So tha

the future. I do love you, but you can't help me now. Alisha can help me." Rowley g

as the man she had loved for a year, but now,

all in love with you," Natalie said c

is moment, she still felt empty inside when she found out that t

g, he quickly distanced himself from Natalie and changed his attitude drasticall

ned. Then she saw Alisha and u

laughed at her

ind sh

linked arms with Rowley naturally, provoking Natalie on purpose. "Natal

sha. Her eyes were trained on R

look at Natalie and

Rowley, I hope you

ent was like a sla

anger. "I'm glad I didn't marry you, or I'd have regretted it! How could I ma

Rowley turned aroun

leave, her eyes we

ou try to steal my man? You don't deserve him. You're perfect for that disabled, ug

te daughter. Your mother's just a mistress, and it seems you've followed in her footsteps. Oh, and Ro

s seething with rage, she never

other's the mistress! Dad fell in love with my mom first, and it was your mother who took him away fro

t enough, Alisha raised

justice and abuse in the Rivera family for over a decade. And now, she

eeves and gritted her te

was a man in a car parked nearby w

who was winning the

. She was good at fighting, an

ground. She sneered, "I doubt you'll be Rowley's wife forever. He doesn't take

lue. Her hair was all messed up, and

ther hand, was un

t mad and shouted angrily, "Natalie, you're

e patted the imaginary dirt off h

y grown over the past years. This mat

o a pulp made Natali

Alisha wasn't the most painfu

ut it didn't make her that angry. What hurt h

ow her brother-in-law. He abandoned h

r love, which she cher

e sat on the ground whi

, a car stopp

She thought the car was a taxi, so she got in wit

lay down in the back

talie. His deep-set eyes w

muttered, "Stop the car

to help her get out of the car. However, she suddenly st

was spe

s about to say something, but she su

was instan

a neat freak, pu

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1 Chapter 1 The Stepmother's Plot2 Chapter 2 Runaway Bride3 Chapter 3 Her Father's Ruthlessness4 Chapter 4 Nothing To Lose5 Chapter 5 Be My Boyfriend6 Chapter 6 I Have To Chase My Wife7 Chapter 7 Slap In The Face8 Chapter 8 Blacklisted9 Chapter 9 The Low-Key Rich10 Chapter 10 Token Of Love11 Chapter 11 Heart of Angel12 Chapter 12 Teaching Alisha A Lesson13 Chapter 13 Foiled Plan14 Chapter 14 Natalie's Kidnapping15 Chapter 15 Jump16 Chapter 16 A Sweet Candy Kiss17 Chapter 17 Her Secret18 Chapter 18 Counterattack19 Chapter 19 Let's Have A Baby20 Chapter 20 Affair Was Exposed21 Chapter 21 A Coward22 Chapter 22 Living Together23 Chapter 23 Sever Ties24 Chapter 24 Future Daughter-in-law25 Chapter 25 Apology26 Chapter 26 Bad Memory27 Chapter 27 A Petty Man28 Chapter 28 Heavy Blow29 Chapter 29 Getting Along30 Chapter 30 Dirty Trick31 Chapter 31 Caught In A Farce32 Chapter 32 The Future Mrs. Braxton33 Chapter 33 All Happened Overnight34 Chapter 34 Bite Me35 Chapter 35 Cunning Old Man36 Chapter 36 Taking Advantage Of Jarvis37 Chapter 37 Alisha's Vicious Scheme38 Chapter 38 Kathryn's Daughter39 Chapter 39 An Interesting Kid40 Chapter 40 Pick On Alisha41 Chapter 41 Uninvited Guest42 Chapter 42 The Party Began43 Chapter 43 Disturbance During The Party44 Chapter 44 A Vicious Stepmother45 Chapter 45 Abandoned Son46 Chapter 46 Her Counterattack47 Chapter 47 My Brother48 Chapter 48 Is That Child Really Dead 49 Chapter 49 Jarvis Began To Suspect50 Chapter 50 The Result Of The Selection51 Chapter 51 Breaking Up52 Chapter 52 Stubborn Man53 Chapter 53 Sammy's Lesson54 Chapter 54 Pick Up Lucas55 Chapter 55 Adopt Lucas56 Chapter 56 Was Jarvis Faking It 57 Chapter 57 Jarvis' Questions58 Chapter 58 Rival In Love59 Chapter 59 He Is Childish60 Chapter 60 Mysterious Man61 Chapter 61 Stop Right There62 Chapter 62 The Man Five Years Ago63 Chapter 63 Desire64 Chapter 64 The Brakes Fail65 Chapter 65 Please Don't Die66 Chapter 66 His True Identity67 Chapter 67 Lucas Taught Rowley A Lesson68 Chapter 68 Sammy's Comment69 Chapter 69 Jarvis Woke Up70 Chapter 70 Cheeky Little Monkey71 Chapter 71 The Manipulator Behind The Car Accident72 Chapter 72 The Competition73 Chapter 73 Overconfident74 Chapter 74 Alisha Makes Trouble Again75 Chapter 75 A Trick76 Chapter 76 Interrogate Brett77 Chapter 77 Perish Together78 Chapter 78 Fight Until The End79 Chapter 79 Remorse80 Chapter 80 Confession81 Chapter 81 The Secrets Were Exposed82 Chapter 82 Disbelieved Alisha83 Chapter 83 Last Warning84 Chapter 84 Maybe She Isn't Dead85 Chapter 85 Take Over Rivera Group86 Chapter 86 Climbing Over The Wall87 Chapter 87 Jarvis Stops Pretending88 Chapter 88 Similar To Marina89 Chapter 89 Jealous90 Chapter 90 Flirting With Natalie Before Jarvis91 Chapter 91 The Doctor Who Helped Natalie Give Birth92 Chapter 92 Twin Boys93 Chapter 93 Natalie's Confession94 Chapter 94 The Meeting95 Chapter 95 Sleeping Together96 Chapter 96 For The Rest Of Our Lives97 Chapter 97 How Dare She Speak Ill Of My Man 98 Chapter 98 The Fake Bracelet99 Chapter 99 An Opportunity To Prove Herself100 Chapter 100 A Mere Child