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In Friendship's Guise


Word Count: 1621    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

trand-on-the-Green, ever changeful of mood, was this evening as fresh and sweet-smelling as a

fifteen minutes, and he told himself that he had been a fool to come at all, at such an hour. He waited a little longer, and then, as he was on the point of leaving, he heard light footsteps approaching, and recognized the

-night, but I could not stay away. Do you know that you have treated me cruelly? I h

I could not help it. I

is your

ning in town with an old friend, and won't be b

. I was hungry for a

But I am afraid we shall not be

ou mean? Has anyt

a few words, tremulously spoken, she told him what he had already surmised-that her father h

Tuesday. So you were seen near Richmond station by some meddlesome individual-probably when you got out of the tra

ore hurt and grieved. Oh, i

es-does he want y

me to see

ou are

xpect me t

ou tell him

old him I was a woman now, and that I loved yo

And I suppose that mad

and called me a foolish girl who did not know her own mind. He looked awfully sad and


matter again, and he went to town very early this morning, before I was up. He left word wit

d ask for your hand, and without delay. It is the only honorable course. Until I set things right w

you as I kno

ly that he will consent to let you marry a poor ar

on his shoulders, and look

other, and we will be true. Nothing shall part us. I am yours always, and some day I will

ave driven the clouds away. I could not live without you, Madge. Since I have known you the w

rted, and Madge slipped away toward the old house with its guardian elm trees. The memory of her last words cheered Jack as he walke

tower's jewels and the recent mysterious murder at Hoxton. The news was at first meager and unsatisfactory, and



brandt was gone-there was no doubt of it-and the story of its disappearance contained many dramatic elements. A curious crowd gathered about the premises of Lamb and Drummond on Pall Mall, to gaze at the no

suspicious about the premises. The Rembrandt was on an easel in a large room back of the shop proper, and from it a rear door opened on a narrow paved passage leading to Crown Court; the inmates heard no noise in the night. At four o'clock in the morning a policeman, flashing his lantern in Cr

ope at present to dispose of the picture, which is known by reputation in Europe and America, nor is it certain that they could safely realize on it after the lapse of years. The watchman, who has reco

essed stranger, whose face was unfamiliar to the publican and the barmaid. This incident suggests two theories. Did the affable stranger drug Raper's beer, and, at a later hour of the night, while the watchman was in a stupor, force the window with one or more companions and carry off the Rembrandt? Or was the watchman in the plot? Did the thieves slip into the building while he was in the Leather Bottle, and subsequently bind, gag and drug h

uzzling affair. And now to see how they affected cer

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