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You Rejected A Silver Wolf

You Rejected A Silver Wolf

Author: P.T.Chuks

Chapter 1 Her birthday

Word Count: 1533    |    Released on: 03/12/2022


th birthday party and the ballroom w

er year to caus

om sickened me. It always had actually. It remin

ball gown, with my head adorned with light jew

tenth birthday and the ballroom was

ls of different cultures and origins wer

ake was kept, on the highest tab

ttle pups away from the table but he was far off outside

or what I was about doing but I had to do

ross the table. It made a melting sound a

his was revenge. I was being petty but tha

he ballroom, I envisioned the Lun

but I stubbornly didn’t. I didn’t care, I wanted them to see

rom surprise to anger and then fear. He pull

incess Vane

d light so I made a no

oon…” he barely finished when the ou

which was also smeared bright

ined cake. She pinched herself skin through her

Her eyes rested on my cake stained dress. I quickly cle

t Raymond pushed me aside. She grabbed him an

r place, piercing my brother's neck. I knew I let he

screaming while th

hated her daughter.

uests came in, seeing the cake and the Luna Queen. Eve

was the Beta of our Kingdom, he looked scary

ide and came in front. He’s express

on the ground. I noticed a guest, Duchess Vivian wearing an

ng with Lana, my wolf. Everyone tur

tained on me. I laughed like a mad

fault.” Raymond shouted as the Alpha Ki


at him. “Raymond, she’s the

her to it, mom.

s which made my brot

e roared. Everyone stood watching. She wa

stomach. She staggered and threw me by my h

our children!” the Alpha K

a blind bull bu

effortless so I bit her hand numer

ter was a wit

dragged me away from he

ake not her!” Raymond stuttered, his sm

ixed with it. I glared at

ssa, I am so happy to see you cry!

ell on the cake. He repeated hi

ssed up this cake and why?

e me a sign with his fingers no

anna annoyed me so I pushed her to it

rywhere on her hands? You’re l

er tears, staining her white ball grown. Her

was me. Raymond was never reckless, that’s why he was asked



es for it! Who dared give the Beta'

it was the Alpha King himself, I

essa increased but in retur

ling my father a stupid dog who only listened


ther’s hurt

y brother’s scarred back. And no one played wi

sment to my father. All I wanted was payback

ay I could think of as a child bu

tred never left me. I was now diminutive due to la

in the pack, all thank



come again.Everyt

e and that smelt like more tro

l their mood or appetite. I hadn’t worn a formal

are you do

to see the Alpha King’s son, Prince Chris. My cheek

me strands on my face, backwards, looking

own? Can you see anything?” he tried

aughter. His niceness to me usually caught me

He was almost slipping from the hill, from trying to

him back. My face was beet red and I dare not

rthday is next soon.” he stated. I laughed

o tarry on me, so I frowned. I knew I was ug

ugh more. You

retreating figure and I felt flying insects

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1 Chapter 1 Her birthday2 Chapter 2 A mate for Princess Vanessa 3 Chapter 3 Fight with Sasha.4 Chapter 4 Our Birthday Ball. 5 Chapter 5 Rejected. 6 Chapter 6 She died 7 Chapter 7 His Venting 8 Chapter 8 Perk of a Silver Wolf 9 Chapter 9 A Bitter Soul 10 Chapter 10 A Rogue Silver 11 Chapter 11 Against You 12 Chapter 12 Dispensable 13 Chapter 13 Your Silver Goals 14 Chapter 14 Visit from Jaden15 Chapter 15 Who's your master 16 Chapter 16 Catch that Delta 17 Chapter 17 Mates to slaves 18 Chapter 18 Under the sun19 Chapter 19 Red Moon Dares Us! 20 Chapter 20 Psychic Beta21 Chapter 21 Two Silver Wolfs22 Chapter 22 Tension 23 Chapter 23 Unfair Trade24 Chapter 24 Prepare Again 25 Chapter 25 My Story 26 Chapter 26 My Story II 27 Chapter 27 Two Your Silvers28 Chapter 28 Boots and Rivers29 Chapter 29 She rejected him. 30 Chapter 30 The Necklace 31 Chapter 31 It. 32 Chapter 32 He deserves better 33 Chapter 33 Dared to attack 34 Chapter 34 She feared Karma 35 Chapter 35 Owe him one36 Chapter 36 They were his target 37 Chapter 37 Friendly with Dara38 Chapter 38 What Scout 39 Chapter 39 Accepted only now40 Chapter 40 Regret and guilt 41 Chapter 41 Very impressive42 Chapter 42 Barks at the King43 Chapter 43 Exciting Drama 44 Chapter 44 Don't Rih me 45 Chapter 45 His outburst 46 Chapter 46 Visit to Mate47 Chapter 47 New Alpha King48 Chapter 48 Kill the Prophecy 49 Chapter 49 Sharing secrets 50 Chapter 50 Danger51 Chapter 51 Accepted 52 Chapter 52 Crazy Thoughts 53 Chapter 53 Always Disagree 54 Chapter 54 Useless Lycan55 Chapter 55 Haughty Rihanna 56 Chapter 56 Weird Guy57 Chapter 57 Kids! 58 Chapter 58 Thinking 59 Chapter 59 Visit to Red Moon 60 Chapter 60 His Losses61 Chapter 61 Visiting the Luna 62 Chapter 62 Typical Chris 63 Chapter 63 Uncles64 Chapter 64 Triggered 65 Chapter 65 He knows66 Chapter 66 Cooperating 67 Chapter 67 Banter68 Chapter 68 Dramatic 69 Chapter 69 Banter II 70 Chapter 70 Breeding Chaos 71 Chapter 71 Venting 72 Chapter 72 Casually 73 Chapter 73 Threatened 74 Chapter 74 The Talk75 Chapter 75 Last Prophecy 76 Chapter 76 Tingles 77 Chapter 77 His Crazy Wolf78 Chapter 78 He's the evil 79 Chapter 79 Who took her 80 Chapter 80 Another Wolf81 Chapter 81 Lose appetite 82 Chapter 82 Mutual dislike 83 Chapter 83 Her Change 84 Chapter 84 Hiding Something 85 Chapter 85 Few energy86 Chapter 86 Fight 87 Chapter 87 Fainted 88 Chapter 88 Impulsive 89 Chapter 89 Annoying 90 Chapter 90 Stone Cold 91 Chapter 91 Won't end well 92 Chapter 92 Scram 93 Chapter 93 She did it 94 Chapter 94 Still useful 95 Chapter 95 Who is it 96 Chapter 96 Wolf trouble 97 Chapter 97 The boy98 Chapter 98 Breathe 99 Chapter 99 Manipulated 100 Chapter 100 Havoc