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Chapter 4 REBORN

Word Count: 1200    |    Released on: 04/12/2022


t of people sitting around me turn to stare

to discover that I was at a funeral and that Annabel was sit


er grip when the ritualist's voice rang through

, the family of Alpha and Luna Cardel Blackstone..." I quickly snapped my he

sible? My parents

front and discovered that a lot of my parents' pictures h

this unfortunate situ..." My mind Immediately trailed off as I stared inten

I felt like I was reliving this moment

remembered... and not even a sin

listen to the ritualist whose loud voic

o our hearts, and strengthen us, and that we may find..." My mind trailed o

across her face. She had red swollen eyes that she had tried shielding by

th the prete

uldn't even bring myself to. I knew that as soon as I opened my mouth, I would say somet

." I answe

was immediately cut off

my reverie. "may He bless you and watch over you, and may He look kindly over

he caskets were being gently laid into the ground while a group of boys s

o the open field almost stealthily. Now that I t

o had wanted to come see life from another perspective and who was

ost everything and that I had unnecessarily w

Luke following quite closely behind her, I couldn'

the whole operation;

om his body; but whenever I looked into those dark orbs of his, the only thin

ruggedly stabbed m

yelled, waving her hands in my

at intervals because the entire place was chaotic; and when they fina

of your time, I went over to pick my

the exact same thing she had said to me two years ag

, what're you try

"Nice to meet you...?" I cocked my brows, signifying t



taring between us with an evil grin on her face

ike asked, stari

lett." I s

handshake, I could feel jolts of electricity

xclaimed excitedly; and I immediately felt

sed lions they shared between each other but it didn't matter

go crazy at the thou

oticed how Annabel's jaw dropped at my statement but I pa


y'all should get to k

ll voice call my my name continually after that but I was too occupied with n

r so

s. I vividly remembered how I had bumped into him on this same day two years ago a

ke I did two years ago, I beamed a bright sm

t me, I felt a sudden leap in my chest. It felt like I h

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