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Ruin The Billionaire

Chapter 4 The trap

Word Count: 1167    |    Released on: 05/12/2022

about you by Lilith H

bottle in my hands and reache

he Daily Paper whose headlining story w

er," I told Carrie

d then turned the page to the sec

he girl had some sense, it seemed. However, she was still taking too many li

ered. "The staff meeting is a

social mode. Lilith was something I needed to get rid of, before she consumed my thoughts and eventually me. Lilith was actually beautiful in a cute sort of way, not my kind of

eded to be smart about bringing her down. I had to do it in a way that she wouldn't suspect anything until her wor

. He was the perfect guy for the job I had in mind. Johnny, who was bored out of

for something urgent. His father reluctantly said it was okay, but for o

didn't want to focus on her for that long. If tha

ited impatiently for my friend to arrive after a two hour flight j

said as we h

id. "Journe

t. Hope I'll get some. From what you've said, this Lilith Hellman might be some man

ist. She doesn'

"You know w

use had enough personal effects and clothes for him to change to. Driving th

long time ago. You should visit sometime. You'll have the best time. You can pick whatever kind of woman you want. They're not like these Ne

ferent from each other but here in New York, I was surrounded by mostly similar ones, who had

hink I need one of those women.

layboy charm and a lot of them wont be interested anym

g. "You may be able to fool those silly girls but you cant fool me. I can t

s me a lot. She was running things before I went and is really unhappy with me being there, steali


hnny said. "I think that w

melt t

ng to make a fool of myself in front o

and black blouse. Her sandy blonde hair was tied up in a tight ponytail, causing tension

es look


reeze her wi


na b

ounds to you. Dont

d I had no intention of snatchin

lanning to head to as soon as we finalized the plan details. When we had finished everything, we went to the bar, hoping she would turn up after work. If no

eaded to the bar with a friend, Johnny went and sat outside while I waited i

h was going to fall into

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