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Despicable Roommate

Chapter 2 Knowing

Word Count: 1042    |    Released on: 05/12/2022

up the dirty clothes I'd left on the floo

red on his face as he watched every mo

e it was wrapped in a short towel that showed my legs. He did not

sec?” I teased, expecting that to annoy him. Unfortunately, he just ch

that I was feeling that way for a stranger. My closet was right behind me and he stood in front of me so I was trapped. When his body t

my room, you

t?” he smirked.

today so it's mine,” I retorted. “I can easily turn you out.

nny,” he

aid in a serious tone.

ike to see

ll be tomorrow's business. Get out of m

o talk to you?” he asked. “


e to you? I don't sl

a step forward. I was really going to kill him but luc

shower,” I h

breathed into my ear

I couldn't deny that, but did he just show interest in me? He did but that was probably what he did to every girl. He was a player, a kind of guy I didn

but since I was now rooming with a boy, a horny one at that, I thought I'd put on something less revealing. Soon, I was d

leaving. I could hear the sound of water

, “Leave him alo

tuff like him,” I laug

feel the same is real torture. But this time, I was glad to see him. I don't know whether it was be

I smiled and gl

smiled like the

He said. “My

e way up the stairs. “You don'

is?” He

w room

he's prettier tha

till we reached his room. Ross, his roomm

the little space his bod

guy and Chris hated that fact so much. Personally, I had no proble

w roommate, Lynn.” Chris reminded me as

new roomie?

, “He's a total

e off. “You're li

e of fries and se

ly cool,” Ro

ith him,” Chris prote

id of him tomo

I hope he won't di

ything to me,”

now,” Chris walked to the d

r that,” I said cal

n't stop me. This is

o prevent him from

er. “You guys would make

looked uneasy too. I loosened my hold on h

nks,” he said, walk

ated, grabbed the remote from R

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