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Toxic Encounter

Toxic Encounter


Chapter 1 An Unexpected Encounter

Word Count: 1011    |    Released on: 06/12/2022


erlooked it, on it were several awa

dustrious business owner

course through me. It had not always been like this,

were able to make ends meet. From an early age I had been taught the very essence of money a

ry my best from making sure that my C.GPA did not fluctuate from the

was captain of various sports not because I liked the activity

ne of the most prestigious universities in the country but my journey definitely did not stop there

her buried in a book or working. Day after day between several classes I would have to work,scrimp and save just to hav

at but it wasn't so. I had to toil day and night just to get it started from the ground up. From

ut I had persevered and now I was finally able sta

walks my personal assistant of five years, Luke. Luke has been with me from the very get g

ver to my table where he drops

es back up the bridge of his nose before

Mr Robinson."

trip? Did your daughter try to make you

but does not say anything

the schedule

o meet Mr Benedict at fi

I already have an appointment due this afternoon so I'm afraid t

eting for months. If it does not happen today then we would have to reschedule for another six month

he Robertsons

rescheduling this meeting could prove to be

pay you for now is it?"So if you don't mind, please keep your thoughts to yourself." I


of accounts from Lisa the new head of

hanged from my receptionist and secretary right outside my

leave this instant." A voice whic

leave?" The voice asked w

no choice but to

ee the CEO of this company this instant and I am going to do so with or without your help. So you better let me meet h

ents and I had concluded that

ut 'ma'am' repeatedly and all of a

y annoyed with who so ever that could have made the ruckus when my eyes are met with the gra

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