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Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 4650    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

rime-runes as the frozen fields of Jotunheim. Each tree and shrub seemed a springing fountain, suddenly crystallized in mid-air, and not all the medi?val marvels of Murano equalle

. The very air seemed frozen, and refused to vibrate in trills and roulades through the throaty organs of matutinal birds, that hopped and blinked, plumed their diamonded breasts, and scattered brilliants enough to set a tiara; and profound silence brooded over the scene, until rudely broken by a cry of

her white cap strings flying like distress signals,-bent down to the ground as a blood-hound m


umber into which he sank after daylight he was aroused by the unwonted excitement that reigned in the hall, upon which his apartment opened. While hastily dressing, his

e or a cyclone? You th

on. Is any

ver urn is missing. Shameless wretch! This comes of mysteries and veiled

cause I saw from the newspapers that a quantity of plate had recently been stolen. Poor Hannah! don't scowl so ferociously becaus

nd menacing irate Hannah with the old-fashioned u

d the master, stooping to pat Bi?rn, who was danc

ed the urn, began to polish it with

dow wide open, two chairs upside down on the carpet,-mud on the window-sill, the inkstand upset,-and no urn on the sideboard. B

nctly recollect closing the blinds, and putting down the sash

cured it, just before

orn things. Now you two just see for y

d by the disarranged furniture, and traces of mud on the window-sill and carpet. The inkstand had rolled al

ing. Some MSS were scattered loosely in the drawer, and the purse filled with gold coins, a handsomely set miniature, and heavy watch chain with seal attached, all lay u

o you miss

box of

hey val

convertible into money. In o

ter, throwing one arm around his neck, and leaning

lise, than many sermons, an

lars have overlooked th

ghed heavily, and, cl

iscover some trac

here is a handkerchief that I found under that window

to the light and examined it, while an unwonted frown wrinkled his usually placid brow. It was a dainty square of finest cambric, bordered with a

my nostrils sharper than hartshorn when I picked it up. No rum-dri

recate its captors was all the while breathing out deliciously sweet but vague hints,-now of eglantine, and

f soul in all pure and exalted natures,-and with that genuine chivalry, which now, alas! is welnigh as rare as the

us fact of the handkerchief, which certainly belongs to her; for the room was close, and my visitor, having r

indsay, whose adroitly propounded interrogatories the pr

ucky piece of cambric in his pocket, and pertinacious Hannah suddenly stooped and dealt Bi?rn a blow, which astonished

glove this time, sir, and it was all crumpled, just so,-where I first saw it, when I ran out to hunt for footprints. It was hanging on the end of a rose bush, yonder near the snowba

rable logic of this latest fact, Hannah quite unintentionally gave the glove a scornful toss, which caused it to fall into the fireplace, and down between two oak logs, where it shrivelled instantaneously. Unfortunately science is not chivalric, and divulges the u

ing her you feel convinced she did not premeditatedly destroy traces, and connive at the escape of

but Mrs. Lindsay looked grave, and an indignant flush purpled the harsh, pitiless face of t

aracter to benefit that person,-or inde

keenly, saw too that the old servant stood still, and tur

of property, those iron and lead mines in Missou

ast night in any manner interes

urance on this house, which has always been entrusted to me and I must immediately notify the company of the fact and obtain a

m-tinting domes and minarets, and burnishing after the similitude of silver stalactites and arcades which had built themselves into crystal campaniles, more glorious than Giotto's,-the pastor said: "The

surance office, but to the depot of the only railroad which passed thro

e she could catch the down train, signifying her intention to return upon it, and had hired one of the carriages always waiting for passengers, and disappeared. About eleven o'clock she came back, paid the coachman, and dismissed the carriage; seemed very cold, and the agent built a good fire, telling her she could take a nap as the train was behind time, and he would call her when he heard the whistle. He then went home, several squares distant, to see one of his children who was quite ill, and whe

x, when she returned and

o her feet. There was so much confusion when the train came in that I scarce

uy a retur

fice for her, but she thanked me very polite

e to what place

from, nor where she went. She

graph wires w

aces, from the weight of the ice, so I heard the

his noble features, and he now resolutely closed all the avenues of compassion, along which divers fallacious exc

could have abstracted it, but justice demanded that he should have indisputable proof of her presence in V-- afte

tion, and to censure himself most harshly for having suffered this dazzling Delilah to extort from him a solemn promise of secrecy; for, unworthy of sympathy as he now deemed her, his rigid rectitude would not permit him to regard that unworthiness as sufficient justification for abrogating his plighted word. Suspicious facts which twe

y-the sole proof of her marriage, why was she not satisfied with the copy given to her u

le place of destination, and had the telegraph-wires been in successful operation he would have hazarded the experiment of requesting her arre

nes never come singly;" and it is here respectfully submitted-that startling episodes, unexpected in

ear to our feet fateful countenances, unwelcome as grave-ghouls,-and the world grows garrulous of incidents that once more galvanize the shrouded Bygone. For four years the minister had received no tidings of those whom he had so reluctantly joined in the bonds of wedlock, and not even a reminiscence of that singular bridal party had floated i

ne day at last, after all the rain and murky weather. This crisp, frosty air sharpens one's wits,-a sort of atmospheric pumice, don't you see, and tempts me to dri

envelope, whose address was rather indistinct

" asked the minister, trying to

New York and Havre; It now appears that a Dutch sailing vessel bound for Tasmania-wherever that may be; somewhere among the cannibals, I presume-boarded her after she had been deserted by the crew, and secured the mail bags, intending to put in along the Spanish coast and land them, but stress of weather drove them so fa

nd labour of its transmission. I see it is dated Paris-one year

inted in not receiving a moiety of informatio

k, and I will start it on another voyage of dis

hatever about it. It

nced at the signature, and now h


irresponsible, as I am prepared to prove. They intended to conceal the whole shameful affair from me, but the old grandmother-fearing that some untoward circumstance might mar the scheme of possessing the ample fortune she well knew my boy expected to control-wrote me all the disgraceful facts, imploring my clemency, and urging me to remove Cuthbert from associates outside of his classmates, who were dragging him to ruin. If you, my dear sir, are a father (and I hope you are), paternal sympathy will enable you to realize approximately the grief, indignation, almost despairing rage into which I was plunged. Having informed myself through a special agent sent to the University of the utter unworthiness and disreputable character of the connection forced upon me, I telegraphed for Cuthbert, alleging some extraneous cause for requiring his presence. Three days after his arrival at home, I extorted a full confession from him, and we were soon upon the Atlantic. For a time I feared that inebriation had seriously impaired his intellect, but, thank God! temperate habits and a good constitution finally prevailed, and when a year after we left America Cuthbert realized all that he had hazarded during his temporary insanity, he was so overwhelmed with mortification and horror that he threatened to destroy himself. Satisfied that he was more 'sinned against, than sinning,' I yet endeavoured to deal justly with the unprincipled authors of the stain upon my family, and employed a discreet agent to negotiate with them, and to try to effect some compromise. The old woman went out to California; the young one refused all overtures, and for a time disappeared, but, as I am reliably informed, is now living in New York, supported no one knows exactly by whom. Recently she has made an imperious deman

ar sir, r



ire to communicate w

be, Care of the Amer

rtunities,-miscarried warnings,-procrastinated prayers,-dilatory deeds,-and laggard faces,-that howl for ever in their shuddering ears-"Too late." Had Dr. Hargrove received this letter only twenty-four hours earlier, the result of the interview on the previous

of his tin box, and an utter revulsion of sentiment ensued, wherein sympathy for General René Laurance reigned supreme. Oh instabil

d written to Mr. Peleg Peterson, desiring to be furnished with some clue by which he could trace Minn

ne roses died in the fiery embrace of July, but no answer came; no additional information drifted upon the

deep. Some woes

st? and who can

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