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Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 5804    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

matter? I heard you walking the floor of your ro

ely I am bound by a promise which prevents me from placing all the facts in your possession. Occasionally ministers involuntarily become the custodians of family secrets that oppress their hearts and burden them with unwel

ed pride overshadowed Mrs. Lind

g entrusted with a secret? What has so suddenly imbued you with distrust of the sister who has always share

affection, but your womanly discretion, your subtle, critical judgment; but I have no right to c

ked fondly, almost pleadingly, into her clouded co

ing socially disgraceful, or radically wicked, and ministers of the Gospel s

why are you so anxious to pollute your ears with the recital

inisterial dignity and consistency, for it is quite evident to me that y

stige of pastoral office hedged it around with impervious infallibility, and to-day, instead of partial and extenuating leniency, pure and uncontaminated society justly denies all ministerial immunities as regards the rigid mandates of social decorum and propriety,-and the world demands that, instead of drawing heavily upon an indefinite fund of charitable confidence and trust in the clergy, pulpit-people should so live and move that the microscope of public scrutiny can reve

ich had rebelled only against the apparent lack of faith in its owner, an

confidence heretofore, and you ought not to blame me in the least for feeling hurt when at this late day you indulge in mysteries. Now kiss me, and forget my ugly temper, and set it all down to that Pandora legacy of sleepless curiosity, which

inevitably be horrid?" said he, softly st

saltum! You must be satisfied with the assurance that you are indeed my 'Royal Highness,' and that in my creed it is written the king

he smiled, kissed her agai

thinketh no evil.' My sister, I want you to help me. In some things I find myself as powerless without your co-opera

ation! Scissors, indeed! I will be revenged by cutting all your work after a biased fashion. How wou

ut proposing to do, and now, dear, be sure you bid adieu to all bias. Elis

h you thrust it into the fire, and bored it with the end

began to crochet vigorously, k

ecause it was the earnest request of the wri

ersonified by females? Has there been a serious imbroglio since the days of Troy witho

o protect and to befriend. Subsequent events induced me to hope that she would never exact

you mean that you were unprepared for the demand, because the mot

romise was unconditional, but I certainly have

oes it

p of a child ten years old


all probability arriv


lap, and deep dissatisfaction spread its s

se, if I could have seen the mother before it was too la

Is the wo

and notifies me that she leaves th

eature she must be t

o promote her interest, do you suppose I could consent to put the Atlantic between my baby and

; but if you can willingly answer, tell me whether th

oints I have been dissatisfied, a

on you, when the p

rmed the marriage ceremony for her when she was a mere child, and felt profoun

help you to the fullest extent of my feeble ability. Since it cannot be averted, let us try to put

seven years

en shielded from vicious and objectionable companion

ut she urges me, if compatible with my clerical duties, to retain the school fees, and teach the child at home, as she dreads outside contamina

int? And since when did you successfully t

hydras and ch

is her

cting the faint colour that tinged his oli

ets,-I shall gather her into my heart and coo over her as-Columba, or Umilta, or Umbeline, or Una; but should we find her spoiled, and thoroughly leavened with iniquity,-a blonde, yell

n, and ask Douglass to move across the hall and take the front chamber opening on the verandah. The little girl may be timid, and it woul

heart! He would not be my own noble boy

books and clothes, for if the child comes to-da

oking affectionately at the grave face

re, and here-after I shall hold my peace. You need not live in chronic dread, lest the Guy Fawkes of female curiosity pry into, and explode your mystery; for I assure

, and inexpressibly grateful fo

he grey threads that began to glint in her auburn hai

e busy patter of hurrying feet in the room over head, while snatches of Easter anthems, and the swelling "Amen" of a "Glori

went down among his flower-beds, followed by Bi?rn, to whose innat

tions. When Bi?rn had chased the marauders to the confines of the poultry yard, and watched the last awkward fledgling scramble through the palings, his master began to repair the damage, and soon became absorbed in the favourite task of tying up


an that sh

age at the gate, and I notice

d stood irresolute,

etc., etc. It certainly is rather hard to be pelted with, one's own sermons, but it would never d

ith gloomy forebodings of coming ill. You cannot

epentance. Take this beast of Bashan by the horns, and hav


hem, and hel



rlour, Mr. Palma advanced to m

en prepared for my visit, a

o expect you. Allow me to present Mr. Palma t

the window watching him with an eager breathless interest as some caged creature eyes a new keeper,

from soul to soul, revealing certain arcana, which years of ordinary acquaintance sometimes fail to unveil. From t

to become acquainted, suddenly glided forward and into the outstretched arms of her new guardian. Weary from the long journey and rigid restraint imposed upon her feelings, the c

you prefer to remain with Mr. Palma?" She put her hands up,

-I have tried so hard to keep from it, ever since I kissed the Sisters good-bye,-and every

r poor little heart is almost break

tled her head against the stranger's shoulder. Mrs. Lindsay untied and removed the hat and veil, and,

f. Come with me and bathe your fac

pped crying. It rests me so, to

ready to take you in, and hug you close. Just let me show you how

r's neck, and drew Regina into her arms, while, won by her sweet voice

y disappeared wh

supposing that you and y

at least I never sa


are of. What sugg

ted mine with such chill politeness. I presume you are aware o

e can escape intrusion, I should like to ha

beside the oval table, and, folding his hands before him, leaned forward scrutinizing the handsome non-committ

stige of curious interest, the law

gina's mother has unreservedly c

nly a few facts, concerning w

ven you her

Orphia Orme, an actress of very re

eculiar circumstances th

r assurance that she

nformed who is R

ully suppressed, but she told m

er suspected

d very much like to know, but my client declined giving me all the facts, at least at present; and while her extreme ret

y in his chair, fully satisfied concerning th

nt guardians of Regina Orme, and specified that should death or other causes prevent you from fulfilling the trust, I should assume exclusive control of her daughter until she attained her majority, or was otherwise disposed of. To this arrangement I at length very

t statements will explain. Do you regard her

d concealment presupposes either indiscretion, shame, or crime. This circumstance excited unfavourable suspicions in my mind, but she assure

arried in this roo

rson for one so comparatively unaccustomed to the admiration which is now lavished upon her. I believe it is conceded that she is the most beautiful woman in New York, but she shelters herself so securely in the constant presence of a plain

as so suddenly attained, not only celebrity (which is often cheaply earned), but emin

the glittering line

you see


dame Odille Orme. She is no mere amateur or novice, but told me she had laboriously and studiously struggled up from the comparatively menial position of seamstress. Even in Paris I have never heard a purer, finer rendition of a passage in Phèdre than one day burst from her lips in a moment of deep feeling, yet I cannot tell you how or wh

cheme, do you believe her ca

u denominat

lawyer were fixed with increa

ssess a certain paper to which she had been denied access, do you think she wou

ithheld from her, and even then my knowledge of the lady's character in

r strictly hones

lead me to indulge a contrary opi

ter received from her relative to her daughter's removal to the parsonage, Mrs. Orme had implored him to carefully preserve the license he had retained as the marriage certificate in her possession

aned back in his chair and listened, while no hint of surprise or incredulity found express

as strong evidence aga


of the theft as you or I. I know she went to Europe believing that the final proof of her marriage was in your keeping; for in the event o

ust indulge a doubt. On one point at least my mind is at rest; this little girl is unquestionably the chi

haggy head which Bi?rn had some tim

h which floated the spicy messages of carnations, and the fainter whispers of p

isjecta membra which she entrusted to me, and my credulity declined to honour her heavy drafts. To satisfy myself, I employed a shrewd female detective to 'shadow' the pretty actress for nearly a year, and her reports convinced me that my client, whilst struggling with Napoleonic ambition and pertinacity to attain the zenith of success in her profession, was as little addicted to coquetry as the statue of Washington in Union

ission, or her death unseals my lips. I hope you fully comprehend my awkward position. There is a conspiracy to defraud her and her child of their social and lega

again the lawyer's handsome mo

ed that motives of a personal character induced her to make certain professional engagements in England and upon the Continent. I a

s not openly bring suit agai

on, which she seems to guard with almost morbid sensitiveness on account of her daughter. She has been warne

ugh the suggestion of the suit stirred his pulse, as the breath of carnage and

ing in defiant exultation where the billows rode highest, never so elated as when borne triumphantly upon the towering crest of some conquering wave of legal finesse, or impassioned invective, and rarely saddene

caused him to draw out his

as possible, and after I have spoken to Regina I must hasten to the depot You will find my address pencilled on the card, and I presume Mrs. Orme has given you hers. Should you desire to confer with me at any time relative to t

she went to prepare luncheon for the travellers. She was very quiet, bore no visible traces of tears, but the tender lips wore a piteously sad

d caught her breath, pressing one little palm over

guardians-two adopted fathers, Mr. Palma and I-to watch over you? We both int

try to b

t steady, as if she realiz

w we shall

door, and the lawyer put on his

e, and I believe Dr. Hargrove will be a kind, good friend. Little one, I do not like to le

gular emphasi

complain to y

n given to soft words, nor am I accustomed to deal with children,

st not be an

startle her unpleasantly, for sh

grove already, and flying into his arms

usly, and he saw the blood

arms to me, because he

e, do you think that by any acc

ve dreamed of doing such a t

or need anything, will you write to m

r. Hargro


ding down looked kindly in

bye, R

ye, Mr.

rl, that we shall

aking care of me. Because you are my mother's

cence of earlier years, but the emotion vanished, and, pressing her

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