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Lonestar Wolf

Chapter 3 Crash Course

Word Count: 2018    |    Released on: 16/12/2022


last week just outside of Elk county but I still went and offered my support in the investigation. Not every law enforcement officer in the area was a wolf or other supernatural but some were and some were human. Slowing down as I got near the top Lobo smelled elk. They were close, we slowed down and began our stalk. I was not going to kill one but I like honing our skill of sneaking up on prey. I heard them walking just up ahead of me and knew I was in the perfect spot as the wind was in my face. I sank down into a crouch and inched forward very slowly. It was a herd of cows and they were feeding in the open area on the ridge. I stopped

Jaguar was coming for me and the other was heading for the girl. The Hyena man then said, "Look we will let you have a taste of her after each of us gets...," that is as far as he got when my jaws closed on his neck breaking it in an instant. Spinning I caught one of the Jaguars mid air with my claws and opened him up from neck to navel, spilling his guts out on the ground. Hearing his brother scream in pain the other Jaguar landed on my back digging his claws in. I flipped on my back crushing the Jaguar under me before rolling off him and finishing him off with a swipe of my paw. I looked around and saw that the other Jaguar had already died. I shifted to my human form as I turned to talk to the girl, "Hey I am here to help," I said as she transformed back to a deer and took off running. "Real smooth," Lobo chuckled as we shifted back into our wolf form and began chasing her. Lobo loved the chase and was making up ground on catching the deer. We went off the river bank and splashed across the river. I knew climbing out the other side would slow her down and that I would be able to catch her when we made it to the highway. Up the other side we ran out onto the highway when I heard a horn and then I got slammed sideways as my feet flew out from under me. Sending me rolling across the ground. The little deer took this opportunity to run into the trees on the other side of the road. "Damn that hurt, " Lobo said as we stood and he shook his shaggy body. I knew w


rm. After hanging up on them I received a text saying that I had a week to quit acting like a child. Today was the deadline and as of the last town I stopped in, my cards are frozen and I have $200 in my pocket. I had been tired of driving on interstates and turned toward a town I saw on a billboard that said Elk Grove the paradise to get away from it all. So I turned Amber's car down this road and had been enjoying the view until now. I remember seeing a deer dash across the road in front of me right before something a lot bigger came onto the road and I had no chance to miss it. I think it was a bear but I could not tell you for sure. Amber, the only person who had supported me through all of this was now going to be the one person who was going to kill me for what I had done to her car. I looked down at my phone and just like th


o take you to get checked out." I told her as I started directing her towards my truck. "What about the car, my friend is going to kill me," She sobbed. I opened the door and told her that it would all be ok, that I would get the car towed to the town and that a mechanic should be ab

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