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Lonestar Wolf

Chapter 4 Elk Grove

Word Count: 1854    |    Released on: 21/12/2022


ur head better," he told me before turning around and walking back out. I felt flustered but did what he said and walked into the living room. He was lighting a fire in the fireplace when I entered and without even turning around he said ,"have a seat on the coach nearest the lamp." I sat down and began to look around. To my amazement there were pictures of him all around the world, some of him in a military uniform and some of him in a different police uniform. He walked into what I am guessing was the bathroom and came back out with medical supplies. I looked at him wondering what all he had. He knelt beside me and started cleaning the side of my head with a warm rag. Everything he did he was talking to me and telling me about it before he ever did it. His huge hands were so gentle and when I whimpered he would start talking soothingly to me but I could not tell you what he said but it calmed me. He then told me that I would need stitches. I started to get up so we could go to the hospital but his hand on my shoulder stopped me. "Stay here I will be right back," he said as he walked and opened a door on the other side of the living room into what I would guess was the master bedroom. He came back out carrying a small pack that had a red

et in the bed," I asked as I felt heat going up my neck. About that time a woman about my age came bouncing into the kitchen in flannel pajama pants and a t-shirt. She bounced over to the Sheriff and kissed his cheek. I felt my blush really starting to creep up as I thought about how I had acted last night and now his wife was here. "Hi, I am Daisy, this big guy's little sister as well as his dispatcher," Daisy held her hand out for me to shake. Breathing out a sigh of relief I shook her hand and said, "Hi, I am Micah." After shaking my hand Daisy pulled me into a hug that felt more genuine than most I had ever felt except for maybe Ambers, which makes me groan thinking about what I did to Amber's car. "Hey I have to go get Tom, to tow her car in, would you mind hanging out with her and maybe s


hole lot with the degree. There was one story online stating that she left a wealthy family's son at the altar but who knows. I climbed into my patrol unit and took off towards where she wrecked the car. Lobo whined in my head asking, "do you think she feels the mate bond." "I don't know buddy but right now we can't worry about that, we need to get Tom to tow her car in and we need to see if we can't find the deer shifter." Once I got to the wreck I waited on Tom to get there with his wrecker and he just whistled when he saw the car, "damn what did she hit, a bull buffalo, " Tom asked. I just laughed and said 'no but who she hit is said to be just as bull headed as a buffalo.' Tom started laughing, knowing that I was talking about myself. After loading up the car I went an

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mall houses built all around the clearing. Running Bear invited me in and told

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