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The Emperor’s Rose

Chapter 3 Sexret

Word Count: 2132    |    Released on: 21/12/2022


adeline and others will never give up on finding me a partner. I'm the emperor for God sake. I can do whatever I want with my power. "Let them be. Who knows, maybe they finally introduced me with someone I can tolerate with. I rather let them choose my life partner than the council members." I went back to my chair and reevaluate the reports. Why was my father so fixated to build a tower that represents our power for the world to see? Gralia has always been on top of everything. We don't need this tower to begin with. I can't help but wonder if there is something going on behind my back that he hadn't have the guts to tell me yet. "Frederick, about this tower

ough my short brown hair and give him an expressionless shrugged. That always annoys him for some reason. "Do I have to restrict your friends now? Obviously, the ones who manage to bring you out from the Palace is the one who I should be aware off," I waved it off. "There's no need to be so strict about that petty stuff. I was the one who wishes to go last night. Even an emperor need some time off." I smiled and continue to do my work for a few more hours. After finishing the last report I have to read through, I push the file forward and stood up from my chair and went to the balcony just outside my office to see the night view of the capital city of Gralia. What I had to go through since I was born, all so that I could provide a stable future for the next generation of Gralian's. Since I was crown as the emperor, there's nothing more important than to avoid every single conflict so that the newer generation would live in a peaceful environment. After what happened at the border incident, it opened my eyes to a new reason. And that is to not following my ancestor footstep who got too greedy. It almost causes the life of my precious Gralian's. Will I ever found s


hey could take over each other's duchy. To be quite frank, none of them suits the title given to them by my father and grandfather. None of them has what it takes to lead a territory within Gralia. But I can't help it. It is a known fact that these useless bunch of people came from a respected family and they hold the keys to my empire success. But as a strategist, I can always use them for my own gain. For now, I let Frederick dig thoroughly about their

it is now that we're here." Annabelle smiled at me. "We apologise for our tardiness. It's all Madeline's fault." Of course it is. I waved it off and let them go to their seat before continuing with this pointless meeting. "Now, about my funding ..." here we go again

ities that have been happening behind our back. My people will look through it." Do they really think I don't know about that? Even I have to do some fieldwork when it comes to my people's safety. Unlike them, I will never rest until I know what's really going on. "And about the rising of illegal immigrants in your duchy, please remember than our neighbouring kingdom is on verge of war. We are protected by a peace treaty. Even if we accepted them into our nation, they will never get their hands on us or they will break the trea

m her marriage just because she holds more power than her husband is. And knowing that man, he's just an egoistic little bastard who belittle her just because she's a woman. "Anna ... if there is something you want me to do, just say it. What's the point of having me as an emperor if you don't want to use my power," she chuckled. "Alvia, I know how to control my husband

from you right?" I look away from looking at my cousin. Annabelle giggled before patting my shoulder. "You don't have to worry much about it. I won't tell anyone about it. Even the emperor need some time off as the nation's leader." She was about to leave when she turned to face me again. "I almost forgot t

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