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The Emperor’s Rose

Chapter 5 Resistance

Word Count: 2012    |    Released on: 21/12/2022


ing my own clothes, am I? I don't want to create unnecessary trouble for public citizens." He sighed heavily. "My emperor, your action will not make the current situation better. It will only make it worse. Please, tell me where are we going?" When we stop at a red light, I finally face him. "I'm craving for something and none of the cooks at the palace knows how to make it like this particular eating place just outsi

girl group having their first-ever concert at the neighbouring kingdom?" that trip was fun. I had such an amazing experience being a regular person for a night. "Hey! They're life. Even if it kills me, I will go to their concert." I was determined. I mean, TWICE is life, right? I'm pretty sure I'm not the only ONCE here. Hell, even the author of this book is a ONCE! "I will never understand how can someone as dignified as yo

that's about to leave. "And it didn't cross your mind that these people might have grudges on the imperial family? I mean most of the people who reside in this part of town are someone who against your ideology. What if they know who you are?" I turned off the engine and face him. "We could only plan but God is the one who has the last say. If it's my time to go, it's ti

rom the city." I gave Dolores a little nod and ordered the food I always have here. She smiled before leaving us to make our meal herself. I choose to sit by the window so that I could look at the view outside that's totally different than what we have in the Imperial city. "Hey, we're really in big trouble if these people know who we are," Fred leaned forward towards me. "Do you have any idea how many targets are actually on your back right now?" I pushed him back to his seat and smiled at him. He needs to chill or they will know who we are. But, that actually interest me. Why are there people from the Resistance group out and about l

ly wanted to ask you about ... something." Her eyes follow mine and look at the group of people just behind me. "Oh ... sure. No problem." She winks before excuse


hat I heard from my customers, they're trying to double their forces so that they could ... finally catches your attention, my emperor," Dolores winks at me. It catches my attention a

res. "What happened to you?" Fred asked, wondering. I should've stopped him from asking so much but I was too late. "Who, me? Well ... I used to be a nobility like you are. But my father was dumb enough to be persuaded by those Resistance goon

e that happen, maybe you could do something to prevent it from attacking the imperial city and the other duchy. Pretty sure not everyone likes the way you rule your king

t is up with you vultures and weddings nowadays? I feel like everyone is pressuring me to get married soon," this is no joke. Even my parents said that I should get myself settling down by now. "Because you're not getting younger, my emperor. I'm sure princess Madeline and th

my shoulder. "Even if I do, I won't be telling you." Before I could say something to say, Fred suddenly gasped at us both. "What's wrong wi

e childhood friends!" I smiled. Way to go for staying the obvious, Sherlock. I gave Dolores a small apologetic smile when she turns to me. "I can't believe that this clueless guy is your advisor. How did that happen?" For that, I need to recall way back to the past. E

ffice towards the entrance. "Let me drive." He took my keys and went to the driver's seat. I was so baffled by his sudden action that I need time to process them before getting into the car. "Do you know why Annabelle asking for

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