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Raised by her enemies

Chapter 2 Failing the Foxtrot

Word Count: 5222    |    Released on: 24/12/2022

asp, but I already said no. Now, please leave me alone."

e knew that the people from Asosa were stuck up, but that girl takes the cake. He bites the inside of

. Wylan stands next to Kaz and purses his lips. He sees the smug smile on K

ost the bet." Wylan rolls his eyes. He looks past Kaz at Ze

s up wi

stops and looks at what she is eating, "mini pickle sandwiches." Wylan grimaces at her as she st

eady in a fragile state of mind. Just don't." He knows Wylan

es closer to them and she stuffs another s

miles with her mouth full and nods her h

rchief. I don't want it to smell like pickl

feel the crum

eels Kaz's elbow digging into his side. Kaz hands Zehra his handk

s the suitor lead Zehra to the dance floor. Something is wrong. He did not ask Zehra

n. I saw how you chase some of

mething is off,"

es the subject. "Let's forget about them. You have yet to be seen on the dance floor, so let's go ge

hra and the suitor on the dance floor, but there are too many

to panic as he realizes that she wants to dance. He pushes Wylan and forces him to w

irls. Wylan spots that same girl from Asosa

lan does not answer. He

yet. So if you would excuse me, I have a girl to sweep off her feet." Wyla

glances at the dance floor. He should also probably

r. He stops and rests against the wall. The dance floor is filled with dancing couples. T

antic atmosphere. The walls are covered with different types of flowers along with

is is the dance floor. The second floor is where the tables a

to him. She smiles politely at him as she takes a spot next to him against the wall. He

She giggles and turns her face away. He raises a brow. Does she really think th

is. He leads her to the dance floor a

and to the shoulder and finally fall onto brown curls. The suitor leads her dow

her middle and the other positions their hands in the air. Her heart races and

a slower song? This means that they will not switch partners. S

g," his breath falls on her ea

ys with pursed lips,

his hand pressing harder into her side. She tries to push him away, but he is stronger th

loser than before "Our paths have been intertwined since the beginning. Combining o

clear in her voice. She has been avoiding him. Why did he have to

. I will have you," he

He dismisses her and places his hand on her

. We could be the first official couple." Zehra struggles to breathe. H

hat happened, a fist flies past her. Tybalt stumbles backw

m. They walk up the stairs. Zehra looks to her side and sees

o catch her breath before she speaks, but no words come ou

Zehra and Zehra tightens her arms around Amara.

her eyes and focuses on her breaths. She hears Amara calling someo

her off of her game. Actually, it would not matter if she did return to her cabin. She had spent most of her night on the

been neglecting my duties on the dance floor, so she wants to see more of my," Amara does something funny with her feet, "impressive dance

es at Amara and takes his hand. He hel

er, and Callian bows his head. Amara smiles and waves back. Amara disappears and the boy, Callian, ge

ger. She is going to go mad. She passes Wylan, who is talking to a girl. He notices her and she give

in. Something like that. Lady Ashlin of Asosa, she remembers.

knocks her to the ground. She re

ragging her to the dance floor. "We are going to dance

ays and steps out of reach. Marcus lets

glares over his shoulder. The girl blushes and does not even realize Ma

girl curtsies and takes his hand. He starts to move along with the

. He danced with most of the girls here, except for one in par

or. She calls after him, but he does not hear her. Right now, the only thing he cares about is finding Zehra. He must dance

eful place to escape to. Quite a few people are chattering on the balcony. He f

tly as he walks to the edge of the balcony. He rests his elb

ay. He inhales the fresh air. There are not many trees back home so the fores

railing, but a hand plucks him back. "Sorry, I did not mean to scare you." He recogniz

When did you arrive?" h

gestures to a dark spot in

es not have the strength for her. Amara watches as he disappears around the corner. When he is

ra is. When he rounds the corner, he freezes. Amara is gone. Where c

the grass. He tries to call for help, but the wind blows his words away. He stares in shock. He thought it was

und. He listens carefully. It sounds like . . . Laughter. The

er standing up. "Are you alive?" he asks foolishly, already knowi

id not think it was that high." She dusts the

ows that Marcus always worries about whe

but here,"

I tell Marcus

ack. She sees that look on Kaz's face and figures that he

says, trying to intimidate Kaz.

l she is out of Kaz's sight. He shakes his head in disbelief. She is crazy. There is no

roam the floor. He laughs to himself when he sees Wylan still trying to convince the girl. The dance floor is star

us begins, but Ka

to Wylan. His mother's head swings to


He comes out from behind Marcus. Marcus arc

th falls open. She has always been reckless, so this is no surprise. Marcus tilts h

square. She is either at the feast or her hideout. The ball is almost over, so he has to

nd Amara before the ball is over."

az repeats. Did Ma

mother. He knows that he should also be heading back to the cabin, li

his mother will be asleep b

sic. He and Marcus had decided to split up to cover more ground. When he reaches the to

are is brightly lit with lanterns that decorate the trees and ground around the square. He wal

it shorter and one of the sleeves is ripped off. She dances along with the town'

of him, he can now properly see how bad she looks. Sweat

says out of breath and blows a

hat she is barefoot. People of their ranking are not allowed to be seen without shoes. Amara is breaking every rule and s

k at the circle. More people have joined the circle. "No," s

hand. How can she not worry about what people will say about her? What will th

r eyes. Perhaps it is not the alcohol. He glances at the

le of alcohol in his hand. She falls back into the circle. He stares at the bottle. His mot

laughter. They are not supposed to mix with peasants. Amara is truly

e knows that he is not going to be able to convince her to go back.

he bottle is heavy in his hand and he lets his head fall back. He cannot let his mother down. He cannot go home drunk. B

burn in his eyes. He lif

m the bottle. He feels the familiar burn down his throa

rough his ears. He groans and forces

standing in front of him. He blinks a few tim

m. Kaz looks around and notices that they are t

but plummets back on the chair. Marcus sigh

n she sees his condition. He looks good, consid

rds the hill. His mother is going to kill him. His chest tighten

adies him. They trudge up the hill and when they reach Kaz's cabin, they hear voices

e was not ready,"

baby him. He is a grown man. Stop making exc

Amara whispers. Kaz looks a

y will know that I snuck in." He prepares

r the distraction . . . I got that covered. Just wait for my signal," she winks and s

kes Kaz's arm and

Marcus smirks. For a momen

lieve his eyes. Amara has flung herself down the small hill in front

" Kaz and Marcus hur

ries to help Amara up, but Amara sobs wh

s father stands up, but Amara gr

nds to wince as she stands up. "It is not that far. Just over

st. She places all her weight on the Duke, which leads to the Duke falling over. The Duchess looks back

r live this down. The Duchess runs back to help her up along with the Du

d Kaz racing inside. She suppresses a giggle a

opens the door and ushers Kaz insid

, Kaz steadies himself against the wall. This plan must work. What was he even thinking? He can no

is why. He hears footsteps and he crouches. It cannot be his pare

r," Marcus throws th

The water looks freezing, but if he does not want to get into a

asleep. I will do the re

learn to do all

with a plan to avoid getting into trouble. Eventually, she

re skin. He places his foot into the water and groans. It is freezing. He forces himself into the bath a

incess should act." Kaz's mother scoffs when they return to the cabin. The Duke

Your grace," he

they both say in

Marcus asks and they

the ball." There is bitter

e." Marcus bows his head. "Sorry to have disturbed you," he apologizes. He l

k on her face. Where could he possibly be? He cannot get si

he hears a soft snore. Even Wylan, who is the most irres

even have to question if Zehra is in her room. She smiles proudly when she passes Zeh

vening like tonight. Now she understands why Queen Maeve ha

of water. Could it be? She presses against the door. Kaz is fast asleep. She creeps

ot stir. "Kaz," she says loude

worried. Is it possible that she was really worried? She hands him a towel and he climbs out. "I thoug

ous about where he was and now he is betraying her. He hangs his head.

so I just came back home. I must have fallen asleep," he mumbles. He hat

w much pressure there is on us, as p

" She turns he

rops onto the bed. He feels terrible. How could he lie to his mother like that? S

anything about the ball or how he failed to get the attention of any of the girls. She must know th

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