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Raised by her enemies

Raised by her enemies

Author: hi3pelser

Chapter 1 Playing Matchmaker

Word Count: 3853    |    Released on: 24/12/2022

s remain closed. He turns his head to the Queen. She searches through the line of girls waiting for the judgment of the Matchmaker. Her eyes s

s to the front. He wipes the small beads of sweat on his forehead with the

ers, trying to calm Marcus's nerves. Marcus look

and he looks over his shoulder again. With a sigh,

to calm her racing heartbeat. She comes up and places her hands behind her head, taking deep breaths. She is already late, she will have to r

s her lips as she can already imagine what the Queen is going to say. She finally reaches

curtsy. They bow in response. She hesit

Queen had made it very clear that there will be grave consequences if she misses it agai

hrough. On her way to the line of girls, she passes a window. When

not. The Queen cannot see her like this. In her fixation to f

struggle with her hair. The girl turns to

low me to help you." Amara removes her hands and the girl starts to fix her hair.

r, exactly what the Matchmaker is looking for. She wil

he cannot see them properly due to the poor lighting. The girl takes a

the girl curtsies slightly.

" before Amara could fini

her a shush from the girl in front of her. "Forgive me."

giggles and bows her head. She turns to the front to listen to the Matchmaker and realizes t

ra whispers and gestures to Amara's dress. Amara looks down

she bends down and tries to get rid of t

vants not wake yo

n her dress. Zehra only nods and turns to the front. The Matchmaker calls

ward, whispering in a voice t

are bewitching and you will have many suitors,"

shoulder. If the Matchmaker says

hmaker is looking for and what she is going to say." Amara

rill voice calls out. Amara gives her a thumbs up, but Zehra is too focused t

s words echo through her head. She can feel everyo

a copies the movement. The Matchmaker takes Zehra's hands and looks into h

r hands on Zehra's shoulders wi

ful and she is quite bewitching. She will have many suitors." Soft murmurs erup

maker ushers Zehra to the other girls. Zehra ca

s down at her dress. Hopefully, the Queen will not see the stain. There are

Everyone looks back at her and small gasps can be heard

veryone had expected her not to show up. Amara makes her way over to the Matchmaker, but far l

cus lets out a sigh of relief. He looks at Amara, but when he

uld either be a mess or she would create one. Judging from

shudders at the sight of the old woman's hands. It is so old and withered. The Matchma

ware that she should in order for the Matchmaker to predict her future,

who gave this woman the power to decide how they should live their life? How does

al season to allow the girls and boys to enjoy their yo

n shakes her head in disappointment. She opens her mouth to

eason. In fact, I believe that your journey will be a difficult and demanding one."

participates in this, the more she realizes that it is foolish. That is

es. She sits down next to Zehra and Zehra gently squeezes Amara's arm

ne of the ball that is going to take place that night. As every

he hall. Amara yanks her arm from the queen's death grip

a disgrace," the Queen

The Queen scoffs and l

a handful of Amara's hair. "Look at this!" She pushes Amara's head to the side with a f

ady left, leaving her alone in the massive hall. She throws her

ushes out of the hall. Being in there alone is unsettling. She glances over her shoulder, feeling as if some

anding some distance from the stairs. He recognizes the girl instantly. She was named the fairest

h the people as he hurries down the stairs.

hand. Before Kaz can introduce Zehra, Marcus turns to her and t

her hand go and she curtsies. Kaz slight

Marcus," Kaz says, st

heat rushing to her cheeks. Before Marcus could compliment he

e runs down the stairs. She halts to a stop when s

as been so long since I last saw you. Look at you, you're all grown up. How

ill laughing when they let each other go. Amara looks over at Zeh

u would not say that they are brother and sister since he has darker hair, almost black, and his skin is tan

but Amara can hear from the tone in his voice that h

he ball," Marcus says. Amara sighs

says and dodges a hit to her arm

ur dancing abilities." Marcus chuckles and claps Ka

mara. She is strange. He continues to walk away. Wylan bows quickly and follows Kaz. Zehra curtsies and Marcus keeps hi

ng to Kaz. Marcus smiles and watches them

t. Now, whenever I make a joke about his dancing abilities, it gets on his nerves." She

know Wylan

th us for a while? I was about nine." Marc

come to st

ld go and live with them. So he stayed with us for a bit." Marcus' frown deepens. "We always got into so much trouble." Marcus nods his

they reach the entrance, Amara greets t

e recently polished, so they are slippery. Amara, being the reckless one, discovered that it is the perfect opportunity

s says as she turns around the corner. He sh

ward the cluster of cabins, Wyl

fairest and all," Wylan ask

ed. Do you know how many suitors I will have? Mother will be so proud. She will be proud of a

o the hug, but he breaks fr

he Matchmaker told me that I shouldn't even bother with trying to

Wylan tries to comfort him. Kaz

t it comes down to

s and pats Kaz on the back. Kaz nods in agreement. That is true. He just

Amara are siblin

father." Wylan answers a

y talking about it." Kaz looks at all the wooden cabins that

they build all these cabins just for them to be torn down at the end of the season. And then they rebuild it somewhe

of this. Luckily their cabin is not too far. They

ils off. She doesn't know how to des

ntly in trouble flood his mind. Zehra giggles. She is not your typical princess, bu

closed again and turns to head to his bed. He is exhausted, but h

s forward, grabbing onto one of the wooden pillars near his bed. He looks up and tries to gath

," he m

rse not. You only think about yourself. Did you even try?" She continued before he could answer. "How am I going to explain this to your father? You cannot even perform and excel at the small t

this time he falls over, hit

He dodges another hit, but he instantly regrets it as he sees

eet. She pushes him into the corner nearest to them. She sign

sking her something, but he is too disorientated to make out the

e hall. His mother slides the doo

r women think that I failed as a mother because of you." She exits and slides the doors close with a loud

in on the left side. On the right side, the other participants are all scat

window. The wooden floor is of no comfort underne

ut all that can be heard are the whispers of the w

to fall. He is not weak. He will not prove to her that she is

to Marcus. She touches the place on her hand where he had placed th

as always been a hopeless romantic. She has to look her absolute best if she wants to get his attention and on

n. She will have to catch his interest first by making an impression that will focus all hi

suddenly the thought of pursuing

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