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Owned By The Billionaire

Owned By The Billionaire


Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 1689    |    Released on: 03/01/2023



man who was heading in my direction since I

went into an unavoidable swing and I could hardly keep it under control.

im in the arm with the handlebars. The fall I took had my thoughts and my insides all mixed up. “Watch where you’re goi

my c

in the asshole’s coffee as they lay on the s

the paintings while my eyes were on the v

m exclaim as he casually wiped the coffee off his pricey freaking shirt. The idio

the last of my remaining strength. And

nguish. Suddenly, I stumbled over my words, and much worse, my posture. My legs betrayed me, and

irt and the way his muscles moved through the thin fabric. He

e in and continued to defend my rights. This man just humi

d you ju

s furious. His chocolate-brown eyes had a black veil over them, and I could tell

you did to

stupid shirt? See these? Do you know what t

t around and argue with a brute. “You know what? I don’t fucking care. I’m going to make you pay one

ppen in life, they a

he canvas. It was barely past 12 PM and whoever was knocking on the door didn’t stop until I arriv

pa chain---my biological father, sat motionless in


door without hear

llway of my apartment. What was he doing here after all these years? I’d barely escaped his shadow. With trembling hands, I reached fo

ara, open

unding on the door

rd I dropped the phone on the floor. “Shit!” I hissed, and just knowing the value of the phon

open up! We n

time softer, more pleading. He

t to talk to you! You

t about me, it’

n the door? I didn’t think he had the nerve to use my m

e. Must have been another one of his scams

sterday; she was fine” During this t

ross his face whe

eed to talk,

eplied. “And be quick about i

t once would have made him pr

r an answer that didn’t come,

did not know how to shed tears, his heart did not know what compassio

k to my mother. I reached for the collar of his ragged shirt. “Speak up! What happen

so good, especially now that I had time to examine him. His hair, usually so thoroughly styled, was a mess, and his ridiculously overpriced

. Now he was just a shadow of his former

unfinished painting.He used to treat his business partners more than any me

appened?” I

e said with no consideration,

rdly breathing. A tremendous weight seemed

r and I don’t know what to do,” he sa

ly died with what he said. I softened for her, for

hurry, looking for my purse

as damn hard. I was the only one agitated. He wasn

all this! You with your indifference, with your money! All that mattered to you was having enough money to even take a damn bath in them if you could. You’r

continued, as if my outburst

y from her and from me. I appreciate you coming here to tell me. Just give me the address of the hospital and get the hell out of our lives!” My words didn’t hurt him, but that he still stoo

n his throat. It was the first time my father, the one sure of himself and his

esterday. Why didn’t she tell me?” I asked again, refusing to believe

start che

rtant taking action really was and he w

iara! I am not

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