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Hunji: A Broken Wolf & The Last Witch of Andora

Chapter 3 – A Familiar scent

Word Count: 3495    |    Released on: 03/01/2023


e staying at the same inn I was. He was traveling there in hopes of trading his goods for a big payday to help his wife and soon-be-born child. So,

ulls out onto the dusty road. The old truck bounc

me a favor. Quite the opposite. I had done him a favor by paying him handsomely for a ride. I didn’t pay hi

im a little more thinking about what harm could it do to make p

?” He asks with interes

seen as a man of the cloth, at one point. That was a long time ago. Another life ago. “Where are y

a human, he aged quite well. When he smiles you can see the lines around his dark eyes deeper and only just notice the slight gray in his dark hair. He catches me looking and his smile widens “I have young wife, but beautiful. She will give birth to my f

i,” I

he human female’s face. She was quite beautiful “Human?”

or temple for the gods. History books tell tales of the large marble building once being the home to numerous gods, and the outside of t

e gates, ensuring no riffraff or troublemakers crossed through. The city houses some of the finest scholars and aristocrats on this side of the realm and even though they have an army of warriors, they were not traine

reign of the gods Apsu and Tiamat. They were said to be born of dragon blood. Legend depicts that before Tiamat was struck down, she had given birth in the form of an egg and Apsu had hidden that egg on top of a mountain. It was

ient stories of the gods. After all Lamia and Mathia

l the truck begin to slow down. Rolling to a slow stop and idling. I look up to see what the holdup is. Expecting to be t

on?” I ask my companion, who lo

guards ahead. Maybe doing a rand

t hits me. A scent I couldn’t forget no matter how much I wished. Ruda growled in my head, his aversion to the scent of

d I would feel hesitation, embarrassment, or worry. I thought I would at least feel something. But as the truck crept closer to the gate, I felt none of those. Only the deep-rooted anger and resentment I have harb

reached the entrance to the city of Andora. Another two guard

re tr

e guard snapped at my companion wh

e. There was no need to be sponsored by a sch

rward to address the guard, throwing out the name of an old friend I had come to know durin

d stepped back, and my companion dro

ething is not right.” Jasper’s words echoed in my head, in regard to the old King wanting to take over territories. When

eir way into homes aggressively. Pushing the residents outside and dragging young girls out, lining

If anyone knew what was going on it would be

ard was immaculate and groomed with bright flowers and bushes in bloom. “This is where

e up to the gate unlatch it and walk up the few steps to the front doo

cker with a cat face on it, ready

His long dark robes scuffled as he moved to the side “Quickly come in”

the door behind me. Turning the locks. “Tristan,” I spoke once

so many questions, so much to catch up on. Please come, I will have tea brought to the study. Are you hungry

age?” I laughed, reliev

y run strong in my family.” He

s tall and lean, with dark blond hair and pale blue eyes. His skin is on the much lighter side, of were-cats. Anyone would think he was albino. His family lineage ran deep

ving on the council in this city, I was tru

day we had become friends and I had considered him one of my closest friends. He knew more about me than anyone else and he also knew I had spent some time in the

i, what brings yo

ome in search of someone. You may have heard of her.” I halted my talking when one of his maids came in, settling a tra

e pinched his lips together “Why?” He

ifters and I have been asked to find her and bring her back to the f

cup - taking a sip of the tea. I knew ScarClaw would need a moment to process. It was how his thought process formed.

when King Orion

ing of the Wolves was kidnapped and held as a Gladiator slave for several months. He and Q

hing out of the normal. Then three days ago 5 units of soldiers turned up. They began upheaving the city and took control. Put in place a curfew and started going door to door l

on’s daughter. The same girl I am looking for. My first question would be how did Panja

ers who recognized him as a King. Many years ago, when he came here, he offered us protection and peace if we, the council, would keep the location of his mate and daughter hidden. Of course, the council agre

of the aniseed wafted up my nose. He knocks it back and pours another. This time taking a small sip. “I have to


ant with this

ve and asked the queen to find

s after her, it can’t be good. There are rumors about this girl. R

ttle confused. “Pa

past several days looking for a purple-eyed witch, taking and holding any girl who might fit a rough description or bare any traits. These ar

s set to fill that void. By any means necessary and thi

can manipulate plants and words. Or someone who has sight. What make

k “She is the last witch of Andora. Maybe, the last true

of a god, and his bloodline was passed

aid to be quite powerful and skilled, their child having greater powers than either of them is a real possibility. Now imagine being able to hold and control that power. It doesn’t matter

do my job, I couldn’t. ScarClaw’s concerns with Panja’s army infiltrating the city and taking over were not without reason. I knew nothing of the family I once belonged to and only now had an interest in learning about

r the palace for treason!” He wipes his mouth with a napkin and swallows his food “No, Farid is in charge and his brother Abbas is his little minion who carr

mpany to the Megaron, which is where Tristan was able to confirm the witch was m

back to my brother Rostam. He had always been a good man, fair, respectful, and loved the people of the kingdom. So how and why he had supposedly committed treason was a wonder of

’t operate like that; he had no need to. I had a sinking feeling about this new information Tristan dropped on me. I could feel the

worries and doubts far down to deal with the task at hand and hadn’t thought much about finding Finn’s sister Morgan; Except to find her

is unit of warriors looking for her, I fear

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1 Chapter 1 – Andora2 Chapter 2 – A Young Prince3 Chapter 3 – A Familiar scent4 Chapter 4 – A Prince's Heartbreak5 Chapter 5 – Freedom6 Chapter 6 – The Witch7 Chapter 7 – Into the Unknown8 Chapter 8 – Who Are you 9 Chapter 9 – Punishable Crimes10 Chapter 10 – Detour11 Chapter 11 – An Adventure12 Chapter 12 – Recognition13 Chapter 13 – The Oath14 Chapter 14 – Jump15 Chapter 15 – The Chosen One16 Chapter 16 – Abbas17 Chapter 17 – Temper Tantrum18 Chapter 18 – First Kiss19 Chapter 19 – Nine Years Wandering20 Chapter 20 – Oasis21 Chapter 21 – The Wolf's Prey22 Chapter 22 – Touch Me23 Chapter 23 – Wrongful Actions24 Chapter 24 – Meeting His Past25 Chapter 25 – Broken Vows26 Chapter 26 – Meeting the future Queen27 Chapter 27 – Back up28 Chapter 28 – Blood Moon29 Chapter 29 – The Sanctuary30 Chapter 30 – Hating Destiny & Fearing Fate31 Chapter 31 – Awoken32 Chapter 32 – Gifts to find the Missing33 Chapter 33 – Bring out the Dead34 Chapter 34 – Return of the Forsaken Prince35 Chapter 35 – The Deathly Gift36 Chapter 36 – Claiming what’s Mine37 Chapter 37 – Healing38 Chapter 38 – When One Door Closes39 Chapter 39 – A King is Crowned40 Chapter 40 – Cambiador41 Chapter 41 – Closure42 Chapter 42 – Watching43 Chapter 43 – Road Trip44 Chapter 44 – Handy Information45 Chapter 45 – Hands Off!46 Chapter 46 – Hunters Moon47 Chapter 47 – Another Door Opens48 Chapter 48 – A Valuable Asset49 Chapter 49 – Beast against Beast50 Chapter 50 – Making Plans51 Chapter 51 - The Last Witch of Andora52 Chapter 52 – The Forsaken Prince53 Chapter 53 – Strangers Passing Through54 Chapter 54 ()1 – Strange