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Hunji: A Broken Wolf & The Last Witch of Andora

Chapter 2 – A Young Prince

Word Count: 2672    |    Released on: 03/01/2023



at her absence, I threw back the covers getting out of bed. I had initially woken with a smile on my face. But

nd my father had been invited to talk politics, among other things. He had insisted my older brother Rostam and I accompany him. ‘It is good rapport and when you become king you will need these connectio

made it a competition between the brothers, tried t

eldest son and the only male born to my father’s goddess-given fated mate. Yet our fa

appy to serve under our eldest brother as his Delta and lead our Army. I lived for battle, and I was good at i

ay, of course, their greedy asses didn’t. They wanted a seat on the throne more than

ions that lasted well into the afternoon. Finally, the talks had ended,

table sat in the middle of the conservatory, with an arrangement of food and drinks. "My Luna and daught

he scent of daylilies and stood up, my wolf growling out ‘mate’ when I locked eyes with the most beautiful girl I had ever

owled echoi

nd flared at the hips hiding her slender legs like it was yesterday. The way she blushed when I called out to her, and her whispered words mirrored mine. My ma

and hers were already talking semantics of he

te or not. For instance, my father already had 3 mistresses before he met my mother his fated soul mate. He never marked her and proceeded to take on 4 other mistresses over the years. That did not include

ed anyone except my mate. I found the idea of harbo

me. I would never take a mistress; my mate was the only woman I wou

her every second of the day and at night when I laid claim to her, making love to her. I had resisted for 6 months but last night, my wolf was too eager and pushed

ords forbidden me from doing it. But much to my delight, Divya had relished the claiming, her body submitting to me

ay, to the absence of my mate. The first couple of days, she

nd the palace itself. I couldn’t fully grasp what was going on; my own

the palace. It was a big change for her. So instead, I took my frustrations out on the train

s on the training grounds, where I was sparing with one of

smile. “She was up early again this morning brother; I haven’t seen h

lder than me; taller by three inches, his build slightly leaner than mine, and he was the object of desire for many women

ng for the disappointed reprimand I thought was coming. Instead, I

y mate yet, but the way our father was with

I groaned, just imagining h

fering we would both endure if we made a rejection. We would feel a little pain, but it was the sadness and depression that came along with it tha

ng as our other two brothers have not even bothe

dest and most likely to inherit the throne and at me for being the son of our father’s true mate was something they didn’t hide. Ever since we were young, they had always found ways to get me in trouble, making my father see me in a less

how Farid had managed to find out and Abbas led Rostam to one of our gardens under the pretense he needed to speak to

would have forgiven her, but she agreed to become Farid’s first mistress. Needless to say, a few months later when it b

mother had killed her. In the same way, he believed it was their mothe

the open balcony, she had not come down for dinner. Her place sat empty as the

lk pink robe she wore, coming up behind her and laying my hand

up at me with those mesmerizing deep chestnut brown eyes, a smile gracing the corners of her lips. My wolf howled in my head, relishing

e from a family of five, our everyday family banquets could be quite daunting. Especially if the siblings began to fight or on t

“Tomorrow we can have dinner together, just you and I.” I smiled down at her. Maybe she just needed some

d. I stooped down to capture her mouth in a sweet

heer material sliding open, exposing her slender form to my fingers that gilded over her abdomen. Up and over her bristled nipple, pausing to pinch and pull one between my thumb and forefinger. I felt her shi

d the robe apart so I could see my mate. Moving back so I could feast my eyes upon her tanned skin, her dark nipples erect and calling for

d of pleasure that left my wolf even more riled up. I licked down her collar bone, over her small pert b

aid turning her head

ugh. I plunged a finger in, she moaned out slightly, pumping it in and out of her unti

ore were dull and diluted. Leaving me to feel inadequate and wonder if I was a bad lover. She didn’t curl into

me she wanted to return hom

He took it well, but I could tell he wasn’t pleased; the look of

a couple of weeks. I visited her a few times, my wolf and I - craving her companionship. We missed her and the achy feeling in my heart ha

the signs, I should have paid better attention. I should have done so m

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1 Chapter 1 – Andora2 Chapter 2 – A Young Prince3 Chapter 3 – A Familiar scent4 Chapter 4 – A Prince's Heartbreak5 Chapter 5 – Freedom6 Chapter 6 – The Witch7 Chapter 7 – Into the Unknown8 Chapter 8 – Who Are you 9 Chapter 9 – Punishable Crimes10 Chapter 10 – Detour11 Chapter 11 – An Adventure12 Chapter 12 – Recognition13 Chapter 13 – The Oath14 Chapter 14 – Jump15 Chapter 15 – The Chosen One16 Chapter 16 – Abbas17 Chapter 17 – Temper Tantrum18 Chapter 18 – First Kiss19 Chapter 19 – Nine Years Wandering20 Chapter 20 – Oasis21 Chapter 21 – The Wolf's Prey22 Chapter 22 – Touch Me23 Chapter 23 – Wrongful Actions24 Chapter 24 – Meeting His Past25 Chapter 25 – Broken Vows26 Chapter 26 – Meeting the future Queen27 Chapter 27 – Back up28 Chapter 28 – Blood Moon29 Chapter 29 – The Sanctuary30 Chapter 30 – Hating Destiny & Fearing Fate31 Chapter 31 – Awoken32 Chapter 32 – Gifts to find the Missing33 Chapter 33 – Bring out the Dead34 Chapter 34 – Return of the Forsaken Prince35 Chapter 35 – The Deathly Gift36 Chapter 36 – Claiming what’s Mine37 Chapter 37 – Healing38 Chapter 38 – When One Door Closes39 Chapter 39 – A King is Crowned40 Chapter 40 – Cambiador41 Chapter 41 – Closure42 Chapter 42 – Watching43 Chapter 43 – Road Trip44 Chapter 44 – Handy Information45 Chapter 45 – Hands Off!46 Chapter 46 – Hunters Moon47 Chapter 47 – Another Door Opens48 Chapter 48 – A Valuable Asset49 Chapter 49 – Beast against Beast50 Chapter 50 – Making Plans51 Chapter 51 - The Last Witch of Andora52 Chapter 52 – The Forsaken Prince53 Chapter 53 – Strangers Passing Through54 Chapter 54 ()1 – Strange