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The abyssals.

Chapter 2 The decision.

Word Count: 819    |    Released on: 02/01/2023

just transform and live there as ordinary human beings?

' business.so what? plus,it could be useful to us for surveillance or something..." Eliza explains as the others nod. She contin

base of sorts" the others sigh at her immature behavior,but un

hang out as a team again,rather than one of us being away having fun while the rest of us wait.

he holds the artifact in his hand "of course I'm fine with it '' Astrid asks,almost if annoyed "I've been in this business forever. why do you think now I would be disturbed by taking innocent lives?" Ziel doesn't mind the sarcasti

ne. I had no choice." she says trying to change the s

asked,no need to bother with that" he says quietly,but the

him a

about recovering some all powerful artif

ore missions given to us for a while. we might as well enjoy ourselves a little,as we have nothing

the building and the quiet gro

2 - the

emperor's palace to return the artifact Astrid had collected,and Eliza decided to accompany him. Cyphon t

r. The crimson eyed entity looked back at him,

a polite voice while co

a questio

s,and turns to face Cypho

evious mission." Astrid looks annoyed , but does not show it. "What about it?" she asks.Cyphon remains silent. He then ope

s the same answer as before "I just followed our rules and didn't want anyone to know our identities. that was all '' Cyphon is not fooled by the answer and speaks "impossible. you know ju

r tell him the incident t

t temporarily. but , not knowing at the time , I was spotted, by just a human being. No cameras,no spy devices,just a scientist,wit

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