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The abyssals.

Chapter 5 The Proof

Word Count: 806    |    Released on: 05/01/2023

hat would mean that she would be ostracized and cast out of society. The mere thought made her feel angry. her heart ached for these people who couldn't accept who she was. She was never the intimid

anted,not to be feared for,or hated for that matt

inking. it's all fine,just..." she kept whisp

4 - Th

general Charon to his house where he has the devi

ayful tone as she looked around in awe. Although they knew each other for a long time,this was the first time Sandra wa

othing fancy." Then he continues "besides,not all of us were given the opportunity to become a ruler overnight if you get wha

She knew that Charon was trying to make her feel

d books are scattered everywhere,and in the center of the r

s cloak "let's test the link to the queen" he says as he

ng to happen. the disk began to glow,and the sc

it wo

t finally happening? could th

e disc as it kept glow

see the disappointment in Sandra's

realize she was holding in. she smile

he laughed to herself. She was glad that at least she got to see the pro

ked towards Sandra "thank the stars you are all right miss Sandra" one of the guards

he guard asked her quietly. Sandra nodded "don't worry, it

ck to the castle. The guards stopped

nd gu

iss Sa

u could keep this little

se Miss

.yet she was filled with determination seeing that the castle guards were so loyal to her and worried for her wellbeing when she was out of the castle by herself. She promised herself that no matter what happens,she will continue to

things she was going to do next , eventually the ex

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